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Renegade #1 - Dealing With The Western World And Its Programming ! (MIRROR)

156 Views • 03/04/21
118 Subscribers

⁣Disclaimer : I never knew him, i wasnt aware of his material till a few hours ago. None the less we have all lost a brother and i wish i did know him. I can already tell he was grounded, enlightened and a warrior. This is an emotional response to a fallen brother i never knew.

I have ZERO intention of any attention, and renown or like i knew him. I didnt. I only want to attempt to mirror and show my respect to a fallen brother.

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Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk
3 years ago

My heart goes out to him even as my spirit guide.

Renegade #1 and LibrationY are 2 of my spirit guides and I honor them with the greatest heartfelt respect and admiration. RIP brothers.


4 years ago

The disconnect gap is the fucking king kong in the room. Even the comments under his videos have no idea wtf he's actually saying. It is as if, they hear the same thing as I do but their brain translates something totally foreign. I've looked around on YT and other places, check out the commentators. Anyways.. stay positive! hahah jk ofc, that is really out-of-style.

4 years ago

Exactly, Positivity cannot be mimicked and thats actually self detest or demoralization which is not hard nowadays. Yes people usually watch videos with a pre determined belief. So when watching a film they want to either justify their belief, group think or nescience, If you dont see the rotting in the fruit, then you will eat it and get bad. Thts exactly what the world is doing now, paying taxes to pedophiles and buying from occultist who live in a class realm we couldnt even imagine. civilization has made humans weak as fuck

Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk
3 years ago

@Amanley Load: I have known renegade one ever since he was 13 at carrot way in an arbor Michigan, as one of my spirit guides Michael Darren aka Renegade #1, His horrible life that led up to a suicide including his childhood was a shrouded mystery. What was the long story short when he was a kid some nasty racist karen has made a false CPS report on him causing his biggest life altering event Which led him to be a foster kid by his abusive foster family including kizy. And that’s where I knew him at carrot way. After he graduated from Pioneer high school in Ann Arbor, he went to Wayne state collage Detroit where he would spend the rest of his final years and it’s right before series of very tragic events happen to that led him to find one of his friends yellow 9mm gen17 glock and that’s when we found the news that he sadly took his life. And this is what he told me based on his account and first hand experience

4 years ago

I retire in 6 months. I only learned these things less than 8 years ago.
I completely red-pilled everything I thought I knew. We have been conditioned to be stupid consumers and obedient walking ATMs.
Study history on your own.
Learn & grow to be truly free
The MSM media is man-hating shit!
News? Nothing but main-swamp-media.
Best of luck to us all.

4 years ago

I hear you brother. Thanx for the mirror. I never knew him and I wish I did. Damn smart kid. Wish he knew it. Damn.

erick rendoza
erick rendoza
4 years ago

Western civilization sucks ukraine,russia is more a manly place to settle down to.

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