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Responses From 3% Men | Rebecca Lynn Pope
Less than 3% of ALL men on the planet are 6'2 and above. Less than 14% of men earn 100K USD annually and when adjust for preference a woman wanting a man that's 6'2, six figures and single is virtually impossible. Yet, many women actually believe that they can not only find one BUT think they can land one. Let's get the discussion started from a different point of view. <br> <br>Video topic request email: <br>[email protected] <br> <br>Please support the channel below at via donation <br>___________________________________________________ <br>Go Fund Me: <br>Patreon: <br>PayPal: <br>______________________________________________________________ <br>Follow me on social media <br>Facebook: <br>Instagram: <br>Twitter: <br>Snapchat: @krsams1 <br>Business Inquiries: [email protected] <br>________________________________________________________________ <br> <br>-~-~~-~~~-~~-~- <br>Please watch: "Most Complimented Fragrances of 2017 | COMPLIMENT MONSTERS" <br> <br>-~-~~-~~~-~~-~-
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