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Right when you got it figured out ....
• 04/23/23
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2 years ago
Pawn shop : maybe she expected something and you didn't give it to her, like asking her for a date; who knows. Or some of your gestures or words reminded her of a similar situation with one of her exes. Not your fault, nothing you could have known. We're all different, with different memories, habits and principles. And women are notoriously finicky for no obvious reason. It's just reality; move on with life.
2 years ago
2 years ago
Right when you got it figured out your wrong longer version of other classic sayings still a Goldie tho.
E.g whenever man plans GOD laughs,
Best Laid plans Fail once they meet contact with the enemy,
Nothing Goes wrong till it does (Captain Blake Toxic Male)
Still great saying and the movie shooter wasn't all that bad for A solid 3/4 out of 5 and if nothing else that is good is on and or cannot be bothered to go searching/looking 4 classics and just want to kickback then yeah a good watch.
Thanks take care God bless Godspeed \G/
2 years ago