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Roe V Wade and Feminism Ruined America

75 Views • 06/11/22
6 Comments sort Sort By

Women getting pregnant - and saying, "He made me pregnant".
That is like letting go of the steering wheel and saying "It's the car (she was driving) that caused the crash".

Work Shirking and Responsibility Evading Cunts - the lot of them.

2 years ago

(info#7) ---> You Know What Time It Is BAN TIME --> There Back . Thanks for all the thumbs up Guys . ........... If you left me a message And I didn't answer it got lost in the thumbs up ..Try the DM for contact .TKS

2 years ago

Winter is coming. With it, it's bitter harvest!!

2 years ago

I think this is the LAST video ill ever Watch of yours - Unamerican weak young man - You are the generation that let the women get out of hand and you live in the only free country in the World and you wont even fight for your own Country ! - This is what happens when you are Handed the easy life with no sacrifice needed - Freedom Is NOT Just Free it Was Paid For In Blood From your fathers and Grand fathers !

2 years ago

Thanks for the thumb down ( infiniteMushroom ) I know the truth hurts . ( I call it like I see it )


2 years ago

First time I have to downvote a comment of yours. You're worshiping the false idol of ZOG-U.S. It doesn't matter what you THINK we are or had been. All that matters is the putrid Jewish stench that dominates the land today and has been since the end of WW2 when the Jews began implementing the Frankfurt School agenda here. Our ancestors THOUGHT they were fighting for something great and, perhaps they were at the time. But, the rot of Jewish evil was already in play as they bled and died and our ancestors DIED IN VAIN. Freedom has been perverted into a defense of the degenerate, toleration of social engineering, and celebration of (((GLOBOHOMO))). Chronic is 100% right to REFUSE to defend a country that has willfully gone mad. A country that is against straight White Men and is trying to commit suicide to appease BLM and the Jews who use it as political muscle. All of this while you're worshiping patriotic totems that Jews invented to secure your loyalty to (((THEM))). Chronic and I refuse to bow before Baal. How about you?


2 years ago

In this one meme pic is Jewish crime going back roughly a century. Feminism has a LONG track record and the really militant 3rd gen variant came about during the reign of Saint Ronnie Reagan. The explosion of militant LGBTQ also came in while using the Jewish neocons as cover.


2 years ago

On the last pic of the Washington Times newspaper headlines, is THAT what our grandfathers and prior fought, bled, and died for? THAT is the REAL AMERICA underneath the cartoon facade of faux patriotism. Wake yo ass up.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I understand and agree with most of what you say - I to would have a hard time fighting in a war at this time seeing what has happened to the America I grew up in - That being said if America falls the NWO will be in charge and there will be no hope for the World ! - There has to be a big change here be it a modern day Civil War or the USA going to War with the entire World - Something Big has to happen to Stop the Madness Taking Over the World - When and if the U,S, Falls the World will Fall with it there will be no more of America coming to the rescue with aid When natural disasters occur or one small country needs help . We just have to wait and see what Happens .


2 years ago

@Bagoodman: You asked the right question and I have the answer. Perhaps not in specifics but, in how to reorder your thought processes to see clearly how we got here and how we must think in terms of how to fight it. Give up ALL HOPE of a peaceful resolution. Jews will NEVER give one inch unless they are killed. The first meme pic addresses a crucial source of our weakness. The second shows the CD of The Turner Diaries. A novel of life during the kind of civil war that must take place before the Universe will let us restore ourselves and our freedoms. The Universe will NOT reward a country of cowards and peaceful types who just want to enjoy their consumer crap and ESPN. It will take epic amounts of BLOOD and VIOLENCE to save ourselves. BTW, the last URL won't pop open for some reason. Please click and read.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I know you focus on the Jew thing and that's fine for you - But as I see it it's not just the Jews it's Evil People in General of all Dogma .


2 years ago

@Bagoodman: BTW, the ZOG-U.S. is the *ENGINE* of the NWO aka (((Jew World Order))) aka Olam Ha Bah. If we collapse, the world might be able to unite and destroy the tentacles of the (((OCTOPUS))) once the head has been blown off or fatally injured.


2 years ago

@Bagoodman: Mmmmm...ahh... be careful. Don't let an enemy in clear sight throw up a smoke cloud and disappear into a vague and harmless idea. To say that the evil can be found in all dogmas is an empty observation that gets you nowhere. It's like an octopus that squirts ink to cloud your view and distract you while it escapes. Jews create numerous psychological ink clouds in the average mind. It triggered in your mind and you didn't even know it. Yeah, I know about the Catholics, the fall of the Mormons into Zionist degeneracy, the Talmudization of the Protestant factions, etc. ALL of them trace their lineage back to the crypto-Jews that invented them and later infiltrated when the time was right.


2 years ago

@Bagoodman: That's good that you call it as you see it. Are you SURE you're seeing the "truth?" Or is it a Jewish illusion of "truth?" Be careful about what you've always assumed since your information base is contaminated with the Jew Mind Virus. It doesn't take much to spoil the whole batch.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Yeah - I'm seeing the truth - I don't believe any news it's all bull shit & Corporate America is a control system - I'm not fooled easy - I just believe you don't give up on your Country like Women give up on marriage just because it's not everything it was in the beginning you don't give up on it - You work with what you have now and try to fix it - There's no (no fault divorce ) In being a citizen in America we have to fight to keep what freedom we still do have .IMO


2 years ago

@Bagoodman: I respect your dedication. Even though your own country is dedicated to destroying you and everything you treasure. I just don't understand WHAT you are fighting for? An idea is NOT ENOUGH. Especially when there no longer exists any manifestation of the idea AND it would be destroyed IF it somehow reappeared. Defending some platitudes about the Constitution doesn't cut it when we haven't been under it since 1861. You and I have ZERO rights. Every right we think we have has been violated and the violation has been allowed to stand. (((TPTB))) are ramping up for the final push to meet the 2030 Jew World Order deadline because (((THEY))) know that all legal and political barrers have been destroyed. Some past crimes have been allowed to rest temporarily; thereby enabling the Sheeple to catch their breath and believe in their fake free-dumbs and fake rights. Your FREEDOM is nothing more than consumer choice at the store. THAT'S IT.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Well if you think there is a better place to be in the world then go there - I'm a old guy now and this is my home - ill fight for it until they kill me and that's okay too - I had a good run and lived a painful but happy life - So let the chips fall where they may - Go where you want do what you want and say what you want as of now this is still a free enough country for you to do that - If you said some of the things you say in some other country you would be in jail and that alone makes my point .


2 years ago

@Bagoodman: You think we're FREE to merely say things and not be in jail? We're just two old guys ranting and that isn't going to draw the Feds.... JUST YET. Look up the story of 31 "White supremacists" who were ARRESTED while in a truck and heading towards an Idaho "Gay Pride parade." They hadn't done anything. They hadn't even gotten out of the truck and were arrested just for being White Supremacists! We're supposed to TOLERATE these sexual psychotics and Jew-sponsored social disrupters but, White Supremacists cannot even confront them. BLM, remember them, ran wild and Jew-sponsored terror groups tore down statues and the police were told to keep their hands off. YOU THINK WE'RE FREE? Fight for your home but, America is not worth fighting for. Don't be surprised to find, one day, that your home has been taken for racial reparations. It's happening in Europe and Sweden and it WILL come here. (((TPTB))) are beta-testing the enforcement and legalities over there before they do it here. Listen to George Carlin tell you what time it is:


2 years ago

@Bagoodman: As for going elsewhere, ZOG-U.S. has polluted nearly the entire planet with Jew filth. Even the Musilm countries are contaminated with Jew-styled "tolerance" of feminism and (((GLOBOHOMO))) in order to still use the SWIFT system and other global trade functions. Systems that ZOG has total control over.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: My friend your as free as you want to be - ill try to do this in order - 1st I don't know about the dudes in the truck they may have had weapons or warrants IDN - 2ed you can fight ANTIFA / BLM The Bastards came to my Town (( & I live in Oregon )) 9 of them 5M 4fm were standing on the corner of our main street & there were 2 Cops on the other side - I Stopped My Car in the Middle of the Road Jumped out and Yelled at them ( IM GOING TO PARK MY CAR AND ILL BE RIGHT BACK ! ) The cops just Turned there Heads away & ALL 9 of the ANTIFA/ BLM Ran away like Scared little Children I'm Just 1 Man And they RAN AWAY ! ( I am a 230 pound toothless Biker looking dude ) BUT that's beside the point There PUNKS & the Cops were not going to help them and they knew it ! Now 3rd My Home - I have a AR 15 -2, 60 round Mags on it + Many more Weapons And I WILL Fight And Kill any one that Comes to My Door To try to Get Me out ILL DIE On My Own terms So they Better bring ALOT of Body Bags - Look my friend every day you wake up your House is filled with 40 cats Farting & there all Jewish Cats its stinking up your life - My man you need to put the hate behind you - Life is so short you should make your part of the World ( as small as it is for us ) The best and Happiest you can make it . Just sayin For a friend .(Q T, Popp)


2 years ago

@Bagoodman: Sounds like you're doing just fine. Makes me think of the RMS Titanic meme but adopted for current conditions. Looks like you've got your means of floating and staying alive and that's great. I still can't get the Big Picture out of my head. My rant is aimed at the Jews in Washington's wheel house who, in this case, were determined to ram the ship into the iceberg. Who will be our RMS Carpathia? The ship that came to the rescue ..... albeit too late to save very many.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Brother - Like I have said before - Unless you have a 100,000,000. Dollars Your not going to change a thing in the World - It's a waste of time ! - a Waste of your life's Energy . There is so much to do in life and it goes by real fast so choose Wisely what you do with your time - Learn to enjoy life - You only have one Chance at it . Good Luck .

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Don't forget Mushroom. A country willingly killing and imprisoning its men for lies and fake rapes, assaults, and exaggerations. Oh, you need us? You should have treated your military better especially in the 70s and Vietnam BS.

2 years ago

@Bagoodman: Not true. Giant meteor will finish it. The Bible calls it Wormwoodandvthe Navejo call it the twins. We are already tracking it. God of Israel will triumph over these Satanic Globohomo Fake Jews.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: It's like they're the mafia but "well loved."

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Well, it's good NeoNAZIs are on thevrise! Only two peoples successfully killed the Jews, NAZI Germans and Babylonians wasn't it? Or was it Medeleans (Ancient Iranians)... I think it was Babylonia so that sack Jerusalem then those Iranians displaced them... I would say Romans but they killed God of Israel in Cosplay, so...

2 years ago

@Bagoodman: True, but ghey are planning to kill 99.99% of the world population by 2030. How much life can you live?


2 years ago

@Bagoodman: Yeah I get it. I think the bottom line for what I am trying to say here to you is, at least no who is killing you and everything around you. You may not be able to do anything about it but at least you’ll know who did it.

2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: Here take a look at this video - scroll down the page its the (David DuByne & Mike Adams ) video. just some information .

2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: ill be 92 by then so prob be dead anyway .

2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: Hay WM - I don't mind the thumbs down one of the best things we Men have in common is we can disagree on something talk about it and not get to but hurt - we can agree to disagree and live with a difference of opinion . Tks for the thumb up or down .

2 years ago

@Bagoodman: It could be used as "Incitement." But, I get it. I just don't condone violence.... yet. Let's see how Midterms and 2024 elections goes first... The thing I liked is our useless piticians, you know the ones on Doros' and China's payrolls with their handlers , put up barricades "to protect themselves" from the Phlebs. I just hope if need be, we pull a Julius Caesar and seize their asses trapping them inside to starvevto death and eat each other... That would be fitting! We learned from 6 Jan, they are afraid of the National Guard...

2 years ago

Fucking touchscreen?! Politicians, Soros' starve to death...

2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: Ha ha - I think starving someone to death is violence too Lol - But ill tell you I'm a torn soul - the first half of my life was made up of fighting & bar brawls I'm a toothless Biker type of guy - But the second half of my life is different after I Died twice and saw the other side -Well ill just tell you - I'm a Ordained minister since 1999 and there's the rift half of me wants to turn the other cheek the other side wants to kick the Shit out of everyone of these politicians & NWO Bastards . I guess ill have to rely on the one thing in the Bible that says it all ( By His Grace Alone Your Saved ) - Because ill most likely go into Battle Mode when the Shit Hits the Fan !.

2 years ago

All you guys that gave me a thumb down are pussies - ( NoWifeHappyLife ) If you don't like my point of view at least you could talk to me about it like ( InfniteMushroom ) Did ! - Let me know why you think I'm wrong .

2 years ago

They don't want to admit that they were happier when someone else was making their decisions for them, like a husband should. They aren't happy and want to make everyone else miserable.

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