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RPM So Being Outright Honest Is The New Dating Trend?
• 05/14/21
752 Subscribers
Always be wary of new snares and traps.
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4 years ago
You can’t warn them.
4 years ago
Well if you charge make sure its in CASH so no coming back hanging you on the legal system. Long ago fixed a woman's rear end to her tundra temp job to get her to a mechanic well she stopped talking to me and i guess my fix lasted 5 years because a few months ago i got a message on social media where she is not a friend. WHAT DID YOU DO to my truck then she blocked me before i could respond. Honesty is out the window women are reptilians. Women cannot afford their existence. Irish potato famine want to eat marry into a family who can afford you. Women did this vs starve. Supply and demand same with the old west good looking women did not have to work they came out to the west coast and choose who to settle with. I read where even when men could have native women if a white woman showed up 30 men would be doing her chores just to have the chance to talk to her. HIstory repeats itself.
4 years ago
"In A Man's Life...There's Only So Many Useful Years"
"Wahmen Are Not Your Life"
"It's Better To Delete Them Than To Serve Them"
Now Brotha RPM...I hear exactly what you mean and saying...this is bad advice...I know it is butcha gotta bare with me. Indeed however, I would unravel my pedigree on punk b*tch faggottube but what I'm about say wont make it there but I'll unravel it here...
Where I reside, in the dating scene, any and everything is tantamount to race. 99.99% of the time, man ain't fefails approaching blackmen like myself as a perfect prime example. And rightfully so. Besides, I'm off the radar so the sh*t don't matter to me at all...At All...AT ALL.
Now when I say that, is that to say "I'm insecure with myself"? Nooooo no no no no! Not at all! In fact, I'm seeing blackmen doing the approaching. But I for certain don't see white hispanic(mainly) and asian guys approaching fefails....and of course, I DEFINITELY ain't seeing NO fefails approaching the above mentioned guys...but I'm beginning to see fefails approaching other heifers! Indeed however, yeah I might see a few handful of couplings and relationships but I already deep as the abyss down suspect and know for certain from careful observations that the guy is nothing but a goddamn flimsy fragile frail ass gyno-cuck being controlled by the battle axe boss mommy girlfriend/wife but nonetheless.
The bottom line is...yeah! I don't and Cain't Truss these punk ass hoes! 10 outta 10, they probably got covaids from all that slick smut peddling and panhandling and then some. And besides again, any and everything according to them is perceived and viewed as verbal, felt like, and stare rape culture in all areas. So...why bother?
F*ck Dating! F*ck Relationsh*ts!
F*CK ALL OF IT! (Just Not Literally)
Thought For Food.
4 years ago
Honesty from women? In my experience women treat the truth as something that's plastic and very malleable. The "truth" is whatever they want it to be at that moment.
4 years ago
Don't have sex with vaccinated females. You'll become sterile &/or infertile. Having sex with vaccinated females is like getting the vaccination yourself. Ask them upfront & when they say yes say you don't want to have sex with vaccinated females.
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago