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Russian FM sees bright future of Russia-China co-operation amid sanctions
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Moscow will decide how to deal with the West ‘if and when it comes to its senses’, claiming that Western actions are only leading to increased economic co-operation between Moscow and Beijing. <br> <br>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br>Freedom over censorship, truth over narrative. <br>Follow us on Facebook: <br>Follow us on Telegram: <br>Follow us on Twitter:
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3 years ago
A clever way to avoid calling ZOG-U.S. out. Such a meek and mild rebuke. Putin and Lavrov need to use undiluted fiery rhetoric and call out the criminal regime of the U.S. for what it is.
The best way to hit ZOG-U.S. is to reach out to Real Americans who are already disgusted with this dump. Legacy White America is completely disenfranchised and Putin could flat out declare that they could make a new home in today's Russia. Putin could revive his popularity with Real America by illustrating how their enemies and Russia's enemies are very much the same. Putin should carefully listen to the grievances of Legacy America, feed it back to us with a Russian twist, and make Russia look like a great alternative.