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Caros criadores, temos o orgulho de anunciar um incrível programa de afiliados para vocês ganharem muito dinheiro de forma contínua. Leia sobre nosso programa de afiliados aqui.
S.M.A.R.T CITIES RALLY Monbulk, Melbourne 29th April, 2023
• 04/30/23
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2 years ago
Remember the trucker convoy? If they made a political party, they would win. And the amount of funding they received proves it. Same with the farmers party in netherlands. If you have a known majority and everyone knows where they stand and you form a party. Run, and win. If they try and pull a mail in voting scam like in the US and the majority is clearly standing there saying no, we didn't vote against our own party. Then you know what time it is and what it is you have to do.
2 years ago
This gave me flashbacks of covid in Australia. Good luck to them getting allies