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Sadiq Khan’s “Global Boiling” Claims DEBUNKED
Global Boiling - What a load of hot air - Bullshit to the extreme. What happens to water when it boils? It turns to steam, when Steam risesa it evaporates as the higher it goes the cooler the air, the result is precipitation or (RAIN) Rain falls, cools the ground so how does this imaginery deluded boiling start again on COLD oir cool Ground? It's all FEAR that unfortunately thye fuck wit brainless masses who cant thing for themselves will soak up like a Terrified Spong! lol! This PRICK SADGIT Khan needs a bullet in the fuccking head. and if he is only the mayor of London how is he even allowed near these other idiot's on a global scale? This is all getting to a level where one of to things will happen. everything collapses, oir people with brains fight back agains insanity and political and scientific Psychosis? This planet seems to be run by MENMTALLY ILL Psycho CUNT's! How has it EVER got to this stage in the first place that those WE voted in are no longer listening to their RULER's Us!
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2 years ago
That 'muslim' shouldn't even be in that country, factor he's permitted to be in such a position is another bs move by globalist.