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Sam Jackson says you're an INCEL if you criticise Brie Larson
• 06/21/23
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2 years ago
Samuel Jackson doesn't even know what the word means lol.
why do we have so many illiterate people on the planet right now?
look i grew up with learning disabilities, and even i see this illiterate shit with normal people, like am i somehow smarter than them? WTF is this clown world or what?
2 years ago
2 years ago
Saw her in the King Kong film and she was fucking intolerable and insufferable!
2 years ago
Brie Larson is an obnoxious hate filled bitch!
2 years ago
incel is actually non-existent, there are only SIMPSTITUTES they do not get sex but they pay out for whores because they think they MIGHT get some pussy.... fucking idiots, no simpathy for the simp.
2 years ago
That motha fucker