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Sarmat. Episode 1 / First flight

16 Views • 05/29/22

35 meters in length, 3 in diameter. Its weight is more than two hundred tons! The figures are approximate. The details are classified. This object is the most dangerous and most powerful weapon on the planet. <br>It demonstrated its capabilities for the first time on April 20, 2022. <br>Well, the long-awaited moment has come. The film crew of our program turned out to be one of those few who were given the right to see the missile launch with their own eyes, to get it on video and not only it. <br> <br>#Sarmat #rocket #combatapproved

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1 Comments sort Sort By

I don't know if these locos are ~120 tons dry weight or fully fueled - but these are fucking HUGE.
And to think the Ruskies missiles are almost the same weight as TWO of them....
Fuck - That is a BIG missile.

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And while I really do not want to fry and die in a nuclear war - fuck that - but at the same time, these are really impressive pieces of technological development. I'd rather see them refitted and rebuilt to become fast reaction deep space mission capable machines, designed to destroy / deflect / bust up - planet killing / damaging asteroids.... A much better purpose.


2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Nuclear war can be averted, in part, by a strong conventional force continuum by Russia, China, and any other country that is against ZOG-U.S. and (((GLOBOHOMO))). Russia is like a case-hardened part. Hard on the outside (nuclear) but, lacks core strength (abusive military culture and lack of conventional forces). Even that is not the best deterrent to nuclear war. Nuclear war cannot be started or instigated without the Top 0.1% wanting it. ALL WARS START AT THE TOP and JEWS have lied, stolen, cheated, and murdered their way to the top of the global pyramid. All Putin has to do (and should have done already) is establish assassin hit squads in the U.S. and their main mission is to always keep tabs on the richest and most politically powerful elites. When the time comes (like now), Putin would order the top 1000 ZOG-U.S. elites assassinated. Preferably within the same hour. That will absolutely destroy the authority of the (((SYTEM))) to order its visible political puppets (Congress, POTUS, and Pentagon) to start a nuclear war OR instigate Russia / China into a nuclear war before they are ready. (((TPTB))) are far beyond reach of Due Process, Judicial Remedy, and Political Action. Only killing them will stop them and prevent mass annihilation.


2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: The nuclear missile method of destroying or deflecting an inbound asteroid or large meteor has been modelled in dozens of different ways and they all failed. Why? Nuclear weapons destroy by creating massive pressure waves in the atmosphere. In space, there is no gas to compress and push against an object. A nuclear warhead in space just creates a lot of heat for a moment and blasts the physical contents of the weapon itself. Useless for deflecting anything. I suppose, in fantasy-theory, it would take a complex weapon that first inflates a huge balloon full of flammable gas on one side of the asteroid. Then detonate it. As the balloon explodes, some of the overpressure will act on the asteroid and move it. Or the balloon could be designed to keep its shape but allow the burning gas to escape out of one hole that is directly normal to the surface. The gas would act like a high thrust jet and the balloon would push the asteroid for a couple of seconds.


@InfiniteMushroom: Make the war head a deep penetrating type - with a soft iron head - hitting the asteroid about 100 meters ahead of the nuke... when the burrowing stops the nuke comes deep in the hole and detonates. The issue that has always intrigued me is the timing and speed of relative impacts, the fusing and detonation. It would all have to be pretty spot on and it would work.


2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Let's assume the missile works as designed. What to do with the numerous fragments of the asteroid? What was predictable with the solid body is now in many pieces and no way of predicting where they will go. I think the only thing that is certain is that it could become a multi-billion dollar boondoggle and it will never be completed. Ninety percent of the money is stolen and parked in secret Israeli bank accounts. The other 10% is spent at Jeffrey Epstein's new Pedo Island somewhere in the Aegean Sea.


@InfiniteMushroom: @InfiniteMushroom: I guess given a choice between an earth killing 500 meter in diameter asteroid, was blown up, far enough away, most if not all, of the bigger pieces would miss. AND the few, if any remaining big pieces, that do present a hazard, can be picked off then and there or the next time around.


My main interest is in sending a 20 ton iron pentrator, off the nose of the missile and ahead, enough to burrow into the asteroid, to make a hole for the war head coming in behind it.... and to time the impact and the detonation - say the asteroid is coming in at 60 Km a second and the missile is heading towards that at 10 Km a second - that is a closing speed of 70,000 meters a second - well I think the fastest of the high explosives have around a 28,000 meters per second shock wave speed... So having the penetrator tunnel in, and for the warhead to follow in soon after and to detonate the bomb - that is an order of speed, timing and precision - that I understand on paper, but it's beyond comprehension to try and think about in real time.... If you want that bomb to detonate about 100 meters into a 500 meter thick target - at 70,000 meters per second.....


@InfiniteMushroom: OK - do the maths on the timing issue..

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