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Seems to be the case
• 05/03/23
TAOGYOW - The Art of Going Your Own Way!
382 Subscribers
If it's untrue then I guess I've been lving a lie.
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2 years ago
Worldwide "Western Worldwide" Government, journalism, health, industry and advertizing to name just a FEW, are ALL in bed with "ORGANISED CRIME". It is so clear to see now. I live in the UK and every facet of life is today tarnished with ORGANISED GOVERNMENT CRIME. To the point where with no conscience I'm personally breaking the law just to live a normal life. Well they say breaking the law? But mandates and ACT's are NOT LAW and they can only procicute it by adding a Corporate FINE to a Misdemeanor for the corporates have stolen the LAW OF THE SEA - "Admiralty and Maritime Law" to enslave us all. This marine law was first used against Human Beings in the SLAVE trade. where Slaves past through ports as Chattle or Animal's which is what maritime law was original for. This has been used against people since Jeckal Island in 1913 in the USA and the UK after WW1. It is ALL an inversion and lies and they rely on FEAR of idiot's to implement or keep implementing it. Government and Corporations worldwide are SCAMMERS.
2 years ago