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Sell Me This Pen @The Wolf of Wall Street Is Wrong @Alex Hormozi is Right
BULLDOG MINDSET $7 TRIAL MEMBERSHIP <br> <br> <br>I'm sure that you have heard the sales technique of selling a pen. <br> <br>This is something Jordan Belfort popularized in Wolf of Wall Street. It's a good salesperson test. <br> <br>I'm not saying Jordan Belfort is necessarily wrong, but after reading his book and learning a little bit about his psychology, I believe Alex Hormozi would approach it differently. <br> <br>In this video, I'd like to demonstrate what I believe to be Alex's method of selling a pen, as well as how I sell a pen. <br> <br>#howtosellapen #howtosellanything #salespersontest <br> <br>? ARE YOU A BULLDOG? ? <br>Take the quiz and find out <br> <br> <br>► IMPORTANT LINKS: <br>Bulldog Mindset Website: <br>Bulldog Mindset Membership: <br>Personal Coaching Services: <br> <br>If you have a question, email me at [email protected]
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