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September 12_ 2001 Alex Jones The Day After The Shocking Terror Attack

268 Views • 09/12/21
Jess Sosnoski
Jess Sosnoski
200 Subscribers

⁣September 12_ 2001 Alex Jones The Day After The Shocking Terror Attack

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3 years ago

I remember all of this. The big problem I have with Alex Jones is that he WILL NOT NAME THE JEW. He will dance around the symptoms of their criminal activities but, every single thing he mentions is done by JEWISH FIFTH COLUMNS. ADL. JDL AIPAC. SPLC. CHABAD. ACLU. Ivy League colleges, Dept of Homeland Security, CIA, and others. JEWS must be tagged with their crimes or it will be like fighting a war on hundreds of fronts. NAME THE JEW and you'll only need to fight on ONE FRONT.

A.J. was wrong about Syria and Iran having nuclear weapons. Neither Syria nor Iran have the infrastructure to safely maintain them. Let alone deploy them. Syria is plagued by a weak leader in Bashar al Assad. Iran has a robust missile defense system but, their economy is severely hampered by ZOG sanctions.


3 years ago

Yeah, you are correct. But naming the Jew requires you to have all your ducks in a row before you can really give both barrels. For example, Kevin MacDonald has tenure. If you start naming the Jew before your ducks are lined up, you end up like that fellow from Hawaii who is now basically homeless.


3 years ago

@Mgtow_economics: That's why I'm here. I'm constantly feeding info about the Jews so that, when the time comes, you'll have full knowledge of what (((THEY))) are doing and how to connect the symptoms with the Jews involved.

3 years ago

I was asleep. Like most blue pillars we laughed at Alex jones and David icke. It wasn't until 2015 that I began to full questioned things, namely female nature and that led me to MRA to MGTOW monk and then 2018 NWO. very late in the day to be sure.


3 years ago

You are dangerously late to the party. But, at least you're awake to the Jew World Order now. You MUST know it as JEWISH. Otherwise, you'll never understand the root cause of how and why things are as they are. I remember vividly when Jimmy Carter gave away the Panama Canal and the pathetically weak excuses he made. It took a few years and some digging to find how the Panama Canal was literally traded to (((TPTB))) via a Panamanian shell corporation in exchange for restructuring the national debt. (((THEY))) turned the Canal over to China to run and collect transit fees. That was only the beginning of the great selloff and sellout. (((Reaganomics))) was designed to strip out all the equity and make us the world's biggest welfare state; completely controlled from Israel.

3 years ago

It's amazing looking at stuff like this, from 20 years ago. Even back then there were people who knew the government was just trying to take freedoms away. The patriot act, a fascist act, and now the gene therapy jab mandates. The retarded sheeple normie conformies never listened then, and they won't listen now. It's up to us to survive what's coming.


3 years ago

I'm ashamed to say that I'm only one of a few Baby Boomer normies who was well aware of the Jew World Order and all the games they've played on us. Alex Jones warned us of all this when I first heard of him in the 1990's. I first became aware of the Jew World Order in the 1970's so, this is nothing new. What IS NEW is how blatant it is and how mindless the Sheeple have become!

3 years ago

Thanks for these "Blasts from the past". I didn't even know AJ back then, yet some friends told me they believed 9/11 was an inside job. I didn't believe them back then, but now, I'm convinced just like the clowns promoting the jab, this is a step by step process to destroy America, then ultimately (as satan wants it) mankind.

3 years ago

I've been following this stuff for over 20 years, and listening to people chastise me. I cut my ties with them and went my own way. I wonder if any of them replay now what I said back then, but I'll never know. As a kid I knew something was amiss in the 1970's when USSR supposedly shot down Korean Airlines Flt. 007. I know way too much about building construction to ever believe the story of the Oklahoma City bombing, so I knew 9/11 was a crock from the start.


3 years ago

@Generationless: Yes. I first heard of Alex Jones on the shortwave and bought some of his earlier VHS tapes. I first learned of "false flags" "patsies" and other CIA/Mossad tricks when he was still able to speak freely. When 9/11 happened, I KNEW that this was a massive false flag. What I didn't know were the actors involved and the real backstory. AJ was on the case and he took a LOT of shit for it. And here it is: 20 years later. And the Sheeple still believe the lies and the same ones are wearing masks all the time and proudly say that they took BOTH Jew Jabs and will take the booster when it's available.


3 years ago

ALWAYS assume that whatever you hear from the (((Establishment))) and the (((Media))) is a lie. You may not know the alternative but, at least know you're being lied to. The lies go WAY BACK and even things you take for granted as being carved in stone are massive lies. If a Jew was involved in any way, shape, or form, REJECT IT.

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