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Sex In The City Ruined This Womans Life - Why Amy Horton's Single
From my 2017 youtube channel “The MGTOW Philosopher.” Posting a lot of my content from oldest to newest, so stay tuned. Other platforms I'm on, and social media links can be found below ;)
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5 years ago
Jesus when they hit the wall, hehehehe
5 years ago
Reminds me of a movie i just watched last week a rich man on top of his wife who doesn't respect him... ARE YOU done YET. Here he makes a necklace from steel from his multi billion dollar company from the first casting and gives this nice piece of jewelry to her and she scoffs at it.
5 years ago
Aaaaand the article about her warts. So the SIMPs would still pay full price for this ridiculousness? LMFAO
5 years ago
Amy whore town is the bicycle town with torn up wheels , seat, and handlebars.
Let's hope her cats can take of her as she gets old.
I have heard cats take good care of their cat ladies!