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Sexual Abuse Is NOT A Human Right
• 07/09/23
18 Subscribers
Sexual Abuse Is NOT A Human Right --- --- <br> <br> <br>AAD Official - <br> <br>AvyScottandFlower
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2 years ago
I do agree with that hot-ass bitch. However, you and other women have been voting democrat since like forever, and incrementally cultural Marxists have been taking over institution after institution in America and just now because the shit is personally affecting you we're all supposed to drop everything we're doing and come to your rescue.
Fuck you bitch! you and the other women in society have been raping men in divorce courts taking as much as you can including men's children so now it's time we put the screws to you and the rest of women in society for a while until we're ready to make some changes, and trust me, you're not going to like the re-emergence of the new Patriarchy cause say goodbye to the 19th. Amendment, no-fault divorce, and taxpayer assistance, while you get your backs blown out by Chad's and Tyrone's so you can collect child support and all the other freebies you now get. Your dumb asses are gonna be working yourselves to death just like men or making yourselves useful in the best way you know how without a safety net.
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
What the hell does she kook like, has this vacuum seem what het sisters re doing all over the place or can she only see males degrading themselves
2 years ago