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Shariah Law Can Literally Save America Overnight
• 05/30/22
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2 years ago
3 years ago
Monks and priests were very intellectual, scientific, innovative and educated in different fields other than religious studies and philosophy because they were focused without wife or child-rearing and had a supportive community of high iq people. There are even the Jesuits who have a league on a whole other level of very skilled and sophisticated assassins. The problem is that we have sexless engineers and sexless doctors not to mention countless others that are not getting rewarded with sex, inspired or are getting alienated. This ties in with shortages of the trades and manual labor which are seen as low status by women and thus men are not going to these hard labor or other technical fields. This is in response to those cucks saying middle ages were dark and separation of state and religion 21 st century is so joyful and economically, socially, culturally and technologically advanced, when the state has it's own religion of secularism, socialism, and neo-puritanism.
3 years ago
Do the Liberia option; send them to Israel.
3 years ago
I agree, women need to be put back in their lane and should not be allowed to vote. I have a question, In Minnesota why is IIhan Omar keeps getting elected as tere area has a huge Islamic voting block?
3 years ago
Do you know He's a jew who is against "satanic banker etc jews"
3 years ago