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She's My Dream Woman - MGTOW

353 Views • 02/11/21
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RED PILL Cornseason Production

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from John. He didn't send me a specific topic so what I'm going to talk about will sound crazy to many but I swear to bezelbop that it's true. Seriously everything I'm going to mention in this all happened to me. I wouldn't believe me either if I were you unless you experienced these things in real life. So the first time I experienced a precognitive dream that showed me the future wasn't in my own dreams. I was in the ninth grade and my god brother took me aside and told me had a dream where he saw my future. He told me I'd fall in love with a girl at first sight the following year and that she would be a year younger than me in the 9th grade in one of my classes. That I would date her and that she would ruin my life. I laughed at him like you're probably laughing at my story. I didn't take him seriously. He also gave me her first name which was even more crazy. How can someone get that much detail from a dream? Impossible. So I didn't think anything of it and ironically I took a class in grade nine music because I didn't know if I was good enough to enter grade ten music. I forgot what he had said about eight months before. So the first day of band class I pull an American Pie and fall in love with the flute girl. Actually she didn't play the flute I just thought it sounded funnier if I said that. So she was interested in me and I was interested in her and we went ice skating together with a bunch of other kids and it wasn't a date although she was dropping hints she was interested and we began talking on the phone every night. About a week or two after we started talking on the phone I suddenly remembered what my god brother had told me. I was freaked out and believed what he had said. He didn't tell me how or why she would ruin my life if I was in love with this girl and I decided to break my own heart and not date her. She cried when I told her on the phone and was pissed off when I saw her next. She dated some other guy trying to make me jealous. But I think it was the first time a guy had ever rejected her. A few days after I decided not to date her I'm sleeping in my bed and I wake up in the middle of the night and I see a three foot tall figure standing next to my bed with the brightest bluish white light behind it. It's just looking at me and I can't move. I'll share more about my story in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Red Pill Corn Season Production: Anyways, now back to Sandman in dreamland. So the being with a large head, small torso and almost pencil thin neck lay next to my bed and I couldn't move. I had the sheets over my head which is how I normally sleep with just my nose poking out and even with the sheets over my head the light was too bright for me to see details. I was seeing just a silhouette the way you see when when you take a picture and expose for the background. Like a bright blue sun. The creature didn't do anything and I was paralyzed and couldn't move and I drifted out of consciousness in the same position I was sleeping in. I woke up freaked out and didn't connect this experience with the girl I didn't date until about ten to fifteen years later when I read a book called the love bite by Eve Lorgan. In it she says that extra-dimensional beings interfere in human mating and create artificially strong attractions for reasons still unknown. As for the band girl I didn't date in a twist of irony her husband turned out to be the guy that bullied me in grade school and he looks miserable. Maybe that's how karma works? As for Eve Lorgen, after reading her book I began wondering if my experience could have been orchestrated by that being I saw in my bedroom. I will try to talk to Eve about all this.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:

1. Very angry woman

2. young man with finger in his nose at a crowded place

3. Single parent family. Tired Halloween mom after work as clown on birthday on dark background.

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18 Comments sort Sort By
4 years ago

And why not shamelessly self-serve just a tiddle ? Here, let me pep up your egos a bit. Yea, chicks not allowed !
Here : [ ]
Now go buy a dog.
Joker says it's super !

I gotta go read a Binary Chimp now.
I don't know, I didn't name him.

4 years ago

And yea, your brain hunk, is nothing but a dumb, self-programming, self-aware bio-computer. Yea, man, your laptop finds you kind of sexy.

Told you computers liked me, that's why I was an IT tech.

So stop raping your religious PC into experiencing sexy Gandalf Yahweh chicks all day long, and just start mothafuccing dreaming that better future into existence.

With all the hell this world is today, honestly, guys, you did a piss-poor job until now.

Sop playing soldier chad sultan ninja baron, and start becoming architects and scientists.

"Nobody needs guns in a world of nothing else but builders". Yea, that's my saying. Cuz Im da motafucin Sage, dat why.

And just... would you start paying attention to what kind of kings you put on that throne ???

No Naruto you aren't, Super Accountant dude.

I'm smacking the mic now.

Name's Felix.

Beer? Sure.

4 years ago

And ALSO. Let me tell you, dudes, about a little something. The theory of simple relativity does not say that everything is by chance, but says that everything is connected.
It is one giant bowl of energy soup.
And your thoughts are literally electromagnetic energy coursing.
So there.
You send a tiny little weak ass ripple in existence itself, every time you even think of boobs.
And every action has an opposing and of equal strength re-action.
The universe replies.
Obsess about boobs enough and one day sooner or later you'll have a boob in your hand.

That was it.

That's where from all the paranormal, occult, magic, religion, voodoo hoodoo bluedoo your hair doo, all the kaleidoscope of life's mysterious haggis ( that's sheep stomach traditional yum-yum ) and where from and why it isn't and is.

Why it always both just bullshit and millions of miracles. Your thought literally tickles the Universe and can somewhat influence it.

One of the wisest men in Romania once said this: "magic is real, but all the world's magic does not amount to a bowl of rice".

Yea, you're all gods, just stupidly weak ones.

Seriously, go do some wicca.

For fun, man !

4 years ago

Man... no. It is simple, he's not mad, magical, visited by spirits, or whatnot. PLACEBO SELF-PROGRAMMING. Let me tell you a story of mine.

I was in highschool. At home, under the camouflaging school manual, there was always a parapsychology or occultism book I would buy from the bookstore.

There, I learned the concept of visualisation, where you can push your own mind too see images that are not real, by force of will and focus.

One day, during native language grammar class, I was ignoring the teacher and practicing the technique. In about 10 minutes, staying very calm and will-focus pushing my mind hard for my perception to see what I chose, I began to dream a daydream, while being normally alert.

I chose to see myself gliding or flying some 20 meters above my city's streets, just like you have one of those flying dreams during sleep.

And I had fun with it fore almost half an hour, until the teacher smacked me on the head with that pointing stick, for not paying attention to class.

It is very simple. When you obsess, or over believe about something, you basically, like mind placebo, begin to self hypnotize.

Just like any shrink you may go to, that practices therapeutical hypnosys. That is all the shnitzel of it.

A person can control their own mind that seriously. So, if you begin to see things, you see, you told your own brain to start hypno-dreaming them.

Sure, dude, Santa Klaus, elves, leprechauns, ufo's, what you want. The human mind is just that malleable.

Since it has to adapt fast to environment challenges in order to survive. Now go do some wicca, or something.

4 years ago

Also I'm reading Robert Monroe's books to help me prepare to delve into these states, know what to expect from this side, let go of fear. Before the coof I peeked into the unseen world a few times during yoga sound baths, but my body went into shock and I couldn't let go. Been procrastinating for over a year, but it's inevitable, once you wake up you can't go back to sleep, the portal into the spirit realm has opened, can't keep hiding in the material plan much longer.

4 years ago

Yep, in Journeys Out of The Body the same kind of precognitive dreams are described, which came about as a side effect of deliberate astral projection other times.

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