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She's Old & Fat & Wants Me Back - MGTOW

273 Views • 08/15/21
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⁣Rub Done Right - The Everything Rub!

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, hope all is well with you man? I'm sure you discussed this type of topic in your previous videos. I recently had a old ex-girlfriend contact me from back in the day, circa 1992. I was horrified in how she's changed dramatically over the years. Here's a brief back story, we meet at age 21, dated for 2 yrs, moved in together for less than a year..then broke up. She cheated on me and moved in with a fellow male co-worker from our Naval Hospital duty station in Bethesda, Maryland. I cried like a baby after and sat in my car listening to the song " Why you wanna treat me so BAD" by PRINCE, for a couple of hours. I listened to that song 25-30 times back to back..LOL..She Red-Pilled me at that time without me realizing it. I'm 49 now and never put myself in that horrible situation since then. When she contacted me she told the guy she cheating once with married her, but after 12 years of marriage and two sons, he cheated on with his secretary...go figure..LOL. Anyways, she apologized for what she did to me back in the day and said it was subconsciously always lingering in her mind for years. Sandman, as I mentioned, I'm sure you discussed this type of situations in the past but wanted you to re-visit the topic for new subscribers and older guys like myself. This information would be great for younger guys who will get to see how past lovers MORF into "Busted Pillsbury Biscuit Cans" in a "Coach Greg Adams" voice..LOL.. Please dissect and interject to the Masses my Brother..OG Sandman Styles. I've included Before and after Pics of the individual I spoke about. I know people age as we get older....but DAMN..!!! I was floored..God Speed to your future endeavors Sir.!!!" Well Mr. Anonymous I didn't use the name you gave me because you already gave me so many details that it might give away your identity. I'll discuss the obvious situation where your ex of almost thirty years put on her new favorite perfume Au De Desperation or desperation in just a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Rub Done Right: Anyways, now back to the ex girlfriends that now look like grandmas trying to weasel their way back in your life and become your wife clown world show. This woman's sad story reeks of desperation Mr. Anonymous. It's poetic justice that she got dumped after she dumped you. Now she expects you to simp up to the plate and forget how she treated you almost thirty years ago. Maybe you should do what a woman would do in this situation. Say you dumped a woman and then you wanted to get back together with her later. You know what many women do? They play along and go out with your or pretend like they are interested but then blow you off. They don't forget about how you kicked them to the curb and they take advantage of every easy revenge opportunity that you give them. I'm not saying men should play the same types of games on women that they play on us men but it sure is tempting. But maybe it's not such a good idea in this current age of MeToo. More than likely she still believes her inflated ass and deflated face are too good for you. So she's probably thinking she can just get some easy attention from you and if she gets really really desperate only then might she go for your pension too. Also at this point of scripting you said you'd include pictures. I'll include them in this video with the face covered if I get them but again you never sent them. You probably forgot to attach them. But I've got a production schedule to maintain so I've got to give you my response as quickly as I can otherwise I might forget to make it. Just so you guys know that since I made my sob story video about YouTube throttling my channel down I got a lot of support from you guys so thank you. Lots of topic requests and coaching calls.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

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4 years ago

that's a planet sized wall! LMAO


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4 years ago

Happened to me too, except that all four of "she" came with kids, debt, mental health problems and a fierce desire to "see if the passion/spark/magic" is still there.


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Repeal 19th
Repeal 19th
4 years ago

dont pay full price for a half eaten steak. if I cant have you at your peak I dont want you in your decline.


4 years ago

Never give any woman a second chance.


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4 years ago

Tattoos ruin any & all.

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