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She Hit The Wall "HARD""
From my 2017 youtube channel. Posting a lot of my content from oldest to newest, so stay tuned. Other platforms I'm on, and social media links can be found below ;)
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5 years ago
Rent for the night, maybe lease for a year or two, but never ever buy. For the love of God.
5 years ago
The wall is undefeated. It cannot be beat. And when a woman realises she has hit the hall and her physical beauty is so fleeting, so fragile ... well it's humbling to see haha.
I'm seeing women hitting the wall earlier and earlier. Many women are hitting the wall by the time they are early 20s.... just think about it ladies. Most of you will be past your peak by the time you've finished university !
5 years ago
I never thought she was hot.
5 years ago
Don't they all
5 years ago
had to pause the video and look up the old cover image for the Employee of the Month movie. I cannot see them as the same creature. They don't even look related.