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She LITERALLY Bought Her Own Replacement
• 11/11/22
752 Subscribers
Her plan worked out TOO well. <br>Search "I bought my boyfriend a sex doll version of myself — you should do the same." <br>Search "Model who bought boyfriend sex doll version of herself now fears he prefers it."
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2 years ago
Well yeah, men bear the yoke of society. You have to pick and marry your future ex wife! I mean we don't tax you enough... I say Julius Caesar the Son of God, All Conquering (and yes, that was his Emperor name) did it best. His tax rate was two days pay to run the whole empire!! Why can't we have efficiency like that?
2 years ago
Let me guess, the waifu does not talk back, hit him, or put him down to elevate herself, er her emotions...
2 years ago
2 years ago
Her biggest mistake was not teaching the waifu how to nag tf out of her bf. Insert sarcasm here. LMAO!
2 years ago
This is content this community needs to hear. If you cohabitate, you reap a heaping helping of things you don’t want for a teaspoon of what you do want. The only way you kill this monster is to starve it to death. It may never happen, but if you are saved it is good enough
2 years ago
Told a woman I was with that I just got a doll. She was pissed. Called 'her' a bitch. The attempts to shame and ridicule soon followed.
I discovered the sex was just a tool to keep me simpin. She was gone shortly afterwards.
If she is OK with it or wants to enjoy the doll with you, she's probably cool to keep around a while. If she bristles, she done son.