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Shorts - TheLoneWolf
She needs a daddy to make a wish.
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3 years ago
She don't need a daddy to blow she needs a daddy to slap the stupid out of her but it's probably way too late. Now she's nothing more than a cumdumpster.
3 years ago
A lot, and i mean a LOT of women make videos, articles, clips, even adult videos going on about 'daddy'. A woman even came on to me throwing that at me like it's hot, but, the reality is it's proof they have serious daddy issues, that they are very damaged, and will need more years in therapy than they have left in their fertility window to get through them. It's bad enough they don't know how broken they are, it's so much worse that they don't even realize they're broken at all.
3 years ago
Ha! Pound her cake.
Top drawer.
3 years ago
I agree with you Lone Wolf. I went my own way year's ago. I'm so glad I'm observing the show from the sidelines. And what a show it's been.