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She Rode The Whole Football Team Before Me - MGTOW

221 Views • 08/16/21
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⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a more than generous donation from Nick. This is one of four videos I'm putting together for him. Here's what he has to say in this one and I quote: "Hi Sandman, Within the past few months I learned a key term from other channels called the “Imprint,” which I’ve never really heard you mention. The idea is that a woman’s first/second “true love” who she first ‘gave her heart and body’ to has that man’s “imprint” pressed upon her, such that she is fully and forever devoted to him, including willing to tolerate any of his mean behavior. This Imprint stays on her forever (or at least a long time), such that when that relationship fails, she can never really fall in love again. Thus in any future relationships for her she’s not able to “pair bond” with him. I think the Imprint plays more of a role than a high body count, since I was in a relationship with a woman who did not have a high body count but her first boyfriend she had during most of her 20s she still had feelings for even while dating me. I thought she was over him, and I didn’t know about the Imprint, so I was baffled, angry, and jealous, when I saw her start to cry when he got engaged and married to another woman. I was a far better marriage option for her than her Ex, but her heart was with him no matter how much Simping I did to win her over. I realized that even though she liked me, I could only ever be her consolation prize. Since becoming more aware, I’ve noticed that even on first dates women will casually bring up how she has a “best/good friend” that is a guy, which sets off alarm bells in my mind because to me that most likely means she’s still in contact with her Ex, even if he broke things off. Why do you not talk about the Imprint much? It seems far too important of a topic, so much so that I recently coined the phrase “The Imprint is undefeated.” unquote. Well Nick thanks for the donation and topic and donation. I'll cover it in just a sec but first a word from today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways now back to the women that ride so many men they don't even make it to their varsity football game away. I've heard many times that a woman can only truly bond or imprint with a man two, three or four times in her life and that after that she has had so many one eyed willies inside of her that it's impossible for her to truly imprint or bond with anyone ever again. It's been a few years since I've spoken about this topic. That's why you haven't heard me discuss it before. Even men can get such imprints. I know that after two or three adult relationships and red pill knowledge I can't truely love a woman without being extremely cautious. After my first major adult relationship where I was co-dependent and it took me three to four years to get over her I swore that I would never let myself get to that such a low point again so when I got into the next major relationship I made sure to have lots of friends to talk about things in life so I didn't have to rely on a future wife. I was so hurt, even though I was the one that ended that relationship that I could never love or trust another woman on that level again. I didn't want to feel that level of emotional anguish again. It took three to four years to get over that so called imprint and it took another ten years to be able to drive past the place we lived together without balling my eyes out.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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4 Comments sort Sort By
Terry Rodbourn
Terry Rodbourn
3 years ago

I became MGTOW at the tender age of 25 in the Army overseas! it was during the no fly zones before the zeros! when we were in Okinawa we went out to dinner at an Airfare club that and a regular bar on side connected behind double doors! Meanwhile when the Airfare Wing went to the Middle EAST!Then after we received out food a gaggle of middle age Wives came into the club (the wives of Air Force pilots) into the Club, heck even my E7 and his Wife noticed this too! Too to me any Solider would be so stupid by getting married and as an E5 I thought my shift this military wives is a Huge trap!

3 years ago

There shouldn't have been a you with any type of body account like the one in the title of this video.


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I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now it’s my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone, Here is I started.……...............................>>


3 years ago

Although it has nothing to do with the subject of this video, I do not want to miss the news about the withdrawal of the United States (and its allies) from Afghanistan.

The Taliban are back.
The Taliban return to power in Afghanistan.

And women will be the ones who suffer the most.
Although, I don't know ... knowing the prostitute nature of women and how chameleonic they are, they will surely submit to the will of the Taliban in order to survive, even if it means the loss of their freedoms.

Has the West Failed in Afghanistan?
Or is this apparent defeat actually a strategic move to return in full force to that country?
Or maybe ... the strategy has always been to never win that war.


3 years ago

Surprising! I’ve been making 85 Dollars an hour since I started freelance on the Internet six months ago. I work long hours a day from home and do the basic work that I get from the business I met online. share this work for you opportunity This is definitely the best job I have ever done go to this link……………

Mark E
Mark E
3 years ago

It's Biden dude, he's a senile old cocksucker who doesn't know where the fuck he's at, he's not smart enough to pull off an operation like that!


3 years ago

@bigintol03: Correct! I am not an expert in military tactics and strategies. I'm also not a great connoisseur of American military history, but I think that right now what the United States needs the most is someone like General Curtis Emerson LeMay, I mean ... someone with a couple of huge balls to do what they have. . What to do from the start: Send Afghanistan to the stone age.

Mark E
Mark E
3 years ago

@El Hombre por su Cuenta: Bingo! We had a guy like that and he "lost" the last (((rigged))) election, if Trump had stayed in office this never would have happened! That being said it's been my experience that military men don't make good presidents, what we need is a leader who will LISTEN to the generals! I'm actually sick watching this on TV, this is the most humiliating thing that has happened to this country since Saigon fell in '75, we look like complete FOOLS in front of the whole world! And China is WATCHING THIS VERY CLOSELY!!!

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