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She’s a 20 yr. old who got a double mastectomy at 16 before they even gave her hormones. Now she sees the truth. We’re w
• 11/07/22
Jess Sosnoski
200 Subscribers
She’s a 20 yr. old who got a double mastectomy at 16 before they even gave her hormones. Now she sees the truth. We’re witnessing mass medical abuse of kids. We must stop it! <br>#trump #freespeech #socialmedia #video #patriot <br>Trump/patriot-friendly free speech social media & video sites... -
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2 years ago
The gatekeeper she wanted is called the Biological Father, who is present and a rolemodel. Someone who says no.
It's sad NPCs and subverters are targeting children, to corrupt those children permanently into destroying themselves and everyone else.
2 years ago
Meeh, the trash takes itself out, I,was 16 too at one time, normies where giving me a headache, you get what you fucking deserve
2 years ago
This poor girl is actually trying to help others in her situation.
For that I am really proud of her.
Swift and violent death to those who hunt our children.
2 years ago
2 years ago
If your cunt still works then have a few kids and bottle feed them - and yeah the whole trans thing for SOME people it's a legitimate thing, but I think for 95% - it's just a mind fuck and a scam....
The people who push this crap should be killed - for medical mutilation.
It's the peak area of child sexual abuse.
2 years ago
I bet she would have been cute enough to fuck, but without the titties and being on testosterone would have sterilized her. Sorry bro, Baal needs his dead child sacrifice, Baphomet needs his titties, clitorises, and penises, and Luciferians and Satanists need to eat their pound of human flesh. She was just one of their cattle...