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She threw her husband, kids and career in the trash for NOTHING but the thrill
Women determines her entire future over tingles for a guy that doesn't know she basically exists. <br> <br>My Second Channel <br> <br>------To support my work -------- <br>Locals - <br>(also for one time donation) Try a month as a supporter for free on me! <br>Use promo code JOKERSWILD <br> <br>To Support Via Paypal: <br> <br>or <br> <br> <br>Bitcoin Donations - 3DrBGxPH7Ho4dQqx8qxBhZXZwArPN82fTU <br> <br>--------Other Media------ <br>Instagram: The_Unknown_Adventure <br>
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3 years ago
WOW< what a trashy ho, she stays with her OP because she needed a beta provider to give her the lifestyle she wanted, at the time. Then 14 years later after getting her monkey spanked by a ONS, decides she's going to leave her OP and kids because she wants to be with this guy who only looked at her as a cumdumpster. You can't make this shit up.
I truly hope OP has seen what a Selfish Lascivious Unchaste Trollope she really is, divorced her, and leaves her at the curb. I hope she had at least enough class to give him an amical divorce and the kids so she could go and fined this Chad, and get herself a lesson in stupidity.
3 years ago
Ha! Bye, bitch.
3 years ago
Leave the bitch to rot - else where.
"You want to fuck him you brainless selfish cunt - then you can just keep on chasing him."
"Don't come back - ever."
3 years ago
( Information ) I say boycott ( BeautyShop00 )AND ALL OTHER WOMENS CHANNELS IE (Tailla1978, Blespaa ,Shishirahmed2k19 ) The women will take over the last place for MEN !
3 years ago