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She Wants A Down Syndrome Baby LOL - MGTOW

276 Views • 07/08/20
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Clyde. He's got quite a bit to say so before I get to it let me first tell you about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the video and here's what Clyde has to say and I quote: "Hi Sandman, I discovered MGTOW about a year and a half ago and as of late I’ve really taken the time to digest your content and the more that I do, the more that it makes sense as I tie this knowledge back to various situations I’ve been in with women when it comes to their nature. I met my wife at work 6 years ago, sex was great and plentiful, and you have fun together. But over time you start to see the red flags. I noticed that she would often question me as to why I didn’t post pics of her on FB or IG. I will admit it was to kind of keep my dating life private. I ultimately gave in like a pure simp and posted her pictures. Another was when we took a trip together and she seems unable to have a good time if she’s not able to take 100’s of pics of herself on her phone. She’s very much about appearances. She also makes derogatory comments about people who are obese. She’s in to fitness, petite & goes out of her way to shame bigger people. I’ve brought this up to her and she denied it every time, even right after doing it. Fast-forward to later in 2017 and we had decided to get a house together and she decided to sell her home & moved into the house I was renting with me. Almost immediately I started to see changes in her. She often complained about my house, the side of town I lived on and anything else that she felt didn’t fit her standards. Some months before that situation happened, I saw messages where she was communicating with an ex of hers while we were living separately. I kept it to myself and she still doesn’t know that I know about him. At times I wish I would’ve used it as ammo to get rid of her but I’ve decided to keep it in my back pocket. He was clearly trying to have sex with her. In reading the messages she wouldn’t outright decline him, but rather make excuses as to why she couldn’t link up. But none of the excuses mentioned me. I guess he got fed up with the constant rejection and asked her flat out if she was seeing someone and she confessed. She didn’t even acknowledge me until she was asked if she was seeing someone. But now that we’re married it’s all about having a kid in her eyes. Had she had her way she'd be pregnant by now especially after 2-3 of her friends have had kids in the past 1-2 years. She wanted to start immediately after the wedding but I had to put my foot down against that, largely due to the total expense of the wedding last year. A week before the wedding last year she pretty much told me to my face that because of our ages her fertility is in question and if she didn’t get pregnant that it would be my fault because I wanted to wait a little longer to try for a baby. She was already scapegoating me as the cause if we don’t have a kid. I’ve come to the conclusion that I no longer want to have a kid with her. I really wanted a baby when we got married but I see that it would be a liability big time. I know this wouldn’t make her happy, and I don’t know how to tell her. Parts of me think it would be best not too.

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8 Comments sort Sort By

5 years ago

Classic. The guys marriage has been over for a year and he doesn't realise she's already planning the divorce.

5 years ago

My advice,
get a divorce, and fast.
you are already miserable by the sound of it, or you wouldn't be on here.

thanks sandman,
great work, as always.

5 years ago

Don't walk away Clyde, RUN! And it looks like I'll have to post this point once again, JUST GET A DOLL! You mentioned you make over $100k, that means two things: 1. That makes you a nice juicy #metoo target. 2. That means you can afford a high quality doll that's fun to 'play with'. I know what you're gonna say, 'a doll can't do all the things a real woman can do.' Precisely, a doll won't go #metoo on you & have you thrown in prison over false allegations. A doll can't get pregnant & put you in baby jail for 18-21 years. You can't legally marry a doll so you don't have to worry about being divorce raped. A doll also will not be out riding the cock carousel & bring you home some herpeghonnesyphilaids.
As many times as I've posted the doll sales pitch, I might just write it 1 more time & save it to my clipboard for future convenience.
If you want sex, get a doll. If you want companionship, get a dog. If you want validation & a sense of accomplishment, get a job. There's nothing that a woman can provide for you that can't be obtained without anywhere near the pain & suffering that a woman will also bring.

5 years ago

Clyde. you are at the edge of no return. As an older Red pilled dude, don't go forward with this gal. I was in a similar situation, got out and have not regretted it since. On the contrary life has been great, but I know others personally that didn't and their regrets are apparent. The sad thing is the wives of these guys hit on me or seek validation from me, its sad to experience, I feel for these guys. Do not let your inner good guy cave, you will regret it. Get out sooner rather then later as damage will be mitigated. Just be careful she does not get knocked up by someone else and claims it to be yours if she sees the door closing she may try it, I have one friend who this happened to, it is a world shaker when the house of cards comes down.

Go enjoy the single life, it will be lonely at times but far better then to be lonely yet trapped in a marriage you can't get out of.

5 years ago

bail out dude

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