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She Wants A Good Looking Male Virgin - MGTOW

347 Views • 04/06/22
3,118 Subscribers

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

The Borg Queen and Data

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations. They have been coming up short lately because as of January 4th 2022 YouTube cut my views by 50 to 60% for some reason through throttling. Maybe the numbers are back by the time I release this I don't know. Luckily I still have my coaching calls and sponsors so I'll keep going with my own topics even if they aren't paid requests. I knew that eventually this would happen and I've been preparing for it since 2017 and the adpocalypse by shoveling away money into my savings and investments as much as possible. I was hoping that I would have enough of an alt tech platform at some point to make up the difference in views with YouTube but it's probably not going to happen. The idea was to eventually get away from ad and sponsor funding. Going forward you guys can hit the like button on my videos so that YouTube shares it more. I need those topic donations more important than ever or you can subscribe to me over on Bitchute or Odysee which I've linked to in the description. I don't usually ask for much but doing any of that would be helpful. It's better than just being unsubscribed to my channel completely like so many others have. My investments can provide me more income than YouTube monetization and back when I was promoting the Brave Browser. So I'm not worried about money. I'm more worried that my audience will disappear through throttling. So with all that out of the way let discuss what's been on my mind with regards to female nature. That just like men wanting a young virgin women want a naive, good looking man with low notch count. They don't say it but that's what they want. They have a couple of strategies to get such a man. If he's young and he's been busy working or in school, sexually and emotionally inexperienced then that's a good guy for them to go after. Or he's freshly divorced after getting married young and staying married. Or his wife is sick and about to pass away. Or an impatient woman might even try and snatch up a man that's still married because she knows that he can fall for her. She eggs him on to leave his wife by telling him all about the bad things she's doing to him while at the same time she acts the opposite way as if to say I'm the opposite of the ogre you're married to and I'm your angel or huckleberry. Meanwhile she's just shooting your self esteem down like Wyatt Earp with a vagina. The idea is to capture a man with her cooch with a low emotional notch count so that he can imprint on her and is naive and far less likely to leave her as a result. Such a man can bond with her even though she will never really bond with him emotionally on account of having been plowed by an army of cocks. Such a woman gets to keep you on an naive emotional leash while she's still free to unleash her sexual spirit beasts onto a better man if he ever comes along. This is where beta pays and alpha lays comes into being. He's there long enough to commit emotionally to her in order to raise Chad's babies if she's a single mother. They want you hooked to them but they aren't hooked on you. You're an easy mark and nothing more. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

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4 Comments sort Sort By

2 years ago

In the jungle of Men... the most dangerous animal is the woman.

2 years ago

i hate to say it but most men never see it coming how whaman manipulate them. now that men are starting to wake up im starting to see more men upgrade their lives by working on building a future for themselves and walking away from whaman. the more men that take this route will in general be more successful in life in part for the reason of not being scammed and giving 50% and more of their value to the ones the USED to love. gentlemen......DROP THE MIC AND WALK OFF THE STAGE. will have to work hard to make a stable future for yourself but it can be done. ..i have not dated for 20 plus years and dont plan going back to the plantation. i have amassed the means to retire already and im only 52 and all of that due to not giving my money for validation. ...let whaman be a boss of their cats....let them live the way they want...they will ruin their own lives in many cases.... live your life and plan for your own future.....YOU WONT BE SORRY.....invest in yourself NOT OTHERS!!!!!

2 years ago

Have you been keeping up with Star Trek, Sandman, especially Picard? The first season was red pill to the core while under the guise of wokeness. Sure, the Federation was mostly female-led at this point, but where did it take them? [SPOILERS] Narek towards the end of S1 even told his sister to her face that despite being constantly called a failure by the female death cult (Zhat Vash), it was him who tracked down their target. (It took toxic masculinity lmao.)

2 years ago

Can't wait to hear more on the virtual sex system Sandman. As for views I won't be leaving anytime soon, tuning in to listen is a part of my morning routine.

When I was still I school I could see how women used themselves to hook a man into a relationship with them, same thing with myself.
But I was too ignorant to know any better, I thought It was just natural and normal so back then I didn't think much of it. A Red Pilling later and hours of your content over time and a man has the words and ability to think in such a fashion asto see what's going on behind those eyes of a woman with a hook.

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