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Shocking Video Reportedly Shows Ukrainians Shooting & Torturing Russian POWs
• 03/29/22
Jess Sosnoski
200 Subscribers
Shocking Video Reportedly Shows Ukrainians Shooting & Torturing Russian POWs
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3 years ago
NO surrender, death in battle is the ultimate glory
3 years ago
3 years ago
This is a good and a bad thing, I mean, Russians will now fight even harder since surrendering is not really an option
3 years ago
These females will forget about them as soon as the call ends. They will find other men and give their bodies to them in exchange for protection and provision.
THIS is female Nature. The females Primary Agency has ALWAYS been sexuality and manipulating influence, with it.
3 years ago
Why people do this shit then post it online or televise it? They do it to demoralize and dehumanize their enemies. Kind of like the drug cartels leaving the heads of police, solders and politicians in the front of police stations and public buildings. It's a scare tactic to keep people from resisting their attackers.
3 years ago
Videos such as these should at least give some warning to viewers. Just saying.