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• 07/13/22
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2 years ago
Ahhh Ha Ha Ha Ha - a Twatter Clone........ Twatter is run by retarded lefty cunts and it's full of bots and auto-responders...
Like the singles dating sites - After you put up a basic profile A few words of introduction etc., and no picture.... some BABE, who claims to be so totally into you, from the other end of the country (Australia south to north = 3000 Km) says at ~4pm, "Hey Honey, want to join me for some fun tonight?"
Lets see that is call the airline and book a flight - then it's 3 1/2 hours drive to the airport, it's perhaps an hour fucking around at the airport, then it's a 2500Km flight - what's that? A three hour flight.... and then it's an hour to the restaurant from the airport....
So that is 8 1/2 hours travel time.... 4pm plus 8 1/2 hours = Almost 1am - like isn't that a little late for dinner at a resutraunt?
And when I ask her, "When a man is in good health - how high can he count?" ( ten fingers and toes and a stiff cock = 21)
The bot / autoresponder with a fake profile says, "Oh golly gee hun, you are just so funny!" - instead of answering the question.
And then you get bots from France, England, the USA etc., all saying, "Hey Sweetie, do you want to join me for dinner tonight?"
And other similar kinds of shit...
Then you complain to the website...
They just come out with some kind of dismissive bullshit, and then you figure that it's a shitty scam singles site, run by cunts hustling the people with fake profiles and bots....
Twatter has all the ingenuity of leftoid scum and an idiot site.
3 years ago
must. post. picture. of. sexy. woman. in. lingerie. on. thumbnail.
3 years ago
Yeah ima go hard and chip in we need this community to be a cool space for us :)
3 years ago
We all need to chip in to help keep this awesome site going.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Keep up the AMAZING work !!