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Shop Made Blacksmiths Swage Block Anvil Combo!
We made this swage block for my uncle who needed a portable swage block that could double as a light anvil. The idea is to build a stand that will accommodate it in multiple orientations that he can take on the road to blacksmith events. When I accepted this job I thought it would be simple but soon realized I didn't have the right tooling so I made the 2" ball nose end mill (see my other videos), profiled the 1" round drill and machined the 2" boring bar for the large cove. This swage block has a 7/8" hardy hole, A 7/16" pritchel hole, a spoon depression and five sizes of dimples for coving, doming or upsetting. I enjoyed this project, its nice to do a machining project once in a while that doesn't require a high level of precision!
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