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Single Mothers Wrecking Soyciety - MGTOW

378 Views • 08/03/22
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⁣Sponsor Link: <br>Chris Whalen CPA <br> <br> <br> <br>Mystery Links: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video Tobias and here's what he has to say: &quot;Hi Sandman, I am 24 years old. I've never been married. Growing up I had a single mother that shamed and guilted me and is one of the reasons I find it so easy to not care anymore. Another was an old man named Allen who lived up the road from me. He was a religious man, was well into his 60's, and had lived a full life. I always found him cheerful, listening to his life, debating politics culture and philosophy for hours with him. Having him in my life I found quite helpful to ground myself in who I am and what values I found to be central to who I am. Growing up I had an abusive step-father and my bio dad was never in the picture. My mother refuses to tell me anything about him. I ended up helping organize a divorce not even 5 years after she got together with my step-father. At 17 my mother borrowed $3k from me, we got into an arguement about it and she kicked me out. From 17 onward, I didn't have trouble with girls really. I found the simple strategy of appearing unkept, unfashionable, and brutally uncaringly honest was enough to keep most women away, and most fake people in general away from me. I worked hard, I never really had the urge to pursue being a PUA. A male &quot;friend&quot; and co-worker of mine (I'll call him Butterknife, its a personal joke) we ended up getting a house together. He was a few years older and had kids, and was a heavy womanizer. That brought in what I considered at the time my first real female challenge (excluding my mother). I'm going to refer to this person as Twix, she and I, well lets be honest, I was in love. She had a toxic &amp; possessive &quot;best friend&quot; whom I'll call Daisy. Daisy and Butterknife met because of Twix and I, and Daisy saw $ signs. Butterknife and Daisy got together, while they both did everything in their power to keep Twix and I apart. This ended up snowballing over time, until I was forced to sue Butterknife and legally by force take the house into 100% my name. I had had an unexpected windfall of money land on my lap, and with drama having forced Twix, Daisy, &amp; Butterknife out of my life, I renovated the house into a 2 unit, and became a landlord, just in time for bloody covid to hit. After this, I had my own life shaken up, I lost my job, my business as a landlord fell into a crisis, and I needed a fresh start. I had a friend who was running a business a state over from me, he had been trying to hire someone for 3 months, so I reached out, and now I am where I am now. I currently live out of a tent next to a river, I'm working and living in a small town of 1,100 people. My living expenses are next to nothing. I'm getting the best sleep of my life. Surprisingly, my sex drive is just gone. I had already gotten to the point before the move to where sex itself was completely pointless for me, I just end up feeling worthless and hating myself, I get no sensation of physical or sexual pleasure at all from the activity. I had been satisfying my needs through online fapping matieral. But moving out here has made it to where I don't need to do any of that at all. I found everytime I return to that city of 60k people, all the mental issues come back. However, staying out here, surrounded by nature, seems to be fixing all my problems. As a final note, I don't want to ever get married, I don't ever want to do long term romantic relationships again, I don't ever want to do short term romantic relationships again, I don't want to get into sexual parterships again. I'm fine with having female friends, its quite fun to make them suffer through verbal methods when they make the mistake of engaging into an arguement with me. My business is recovering, and I'll be focusing on expanding once stable.&quot; Well Tobias thanks for the donation and topic. Clearly all your problems stem from your single mother and I'll discuss that in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Ad Image Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2.

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2 years ago

Reasons not to be in a relationship with a single mom:

Well, lately the number of single mothers, especially young ones, has increased and it is very likely that you will meet one. If it happens to you to have something with them, keep in mind certain things that you will most likely have to endure, if not all of them.

One of the biggest problems is the drama around the child's father or children.

When the father frequents and takes responsibility for his children, one is going to have to put up with someone who had something to do with and had a child with your single mother girlfriend, talk on the phone, send messages and even see each other daily, the truth is that many single mothers have the fantasy of going back to the father of their child and starting a family with him, the problem is worse when it was he who ended the relationship, it is a difficult trauma for women to overcome, if this is the case and the father it's still close enough that one day your ex gets a fever so you end up with some giant painted horns or one day he simply tells you "well, I'm sorry I'm going to go back to my son's father", without thinking much about what you feel . Be careful.

Another problem that you will have to face is that you are just a guest and almost a stranger in an already established circle and family:

Everything may seem perfect at first, you love the woman, she accepts you, her son, children, and they accept you, things seem to work well, you feel part of the family, but one day the relationship with that woman ends, What is going to happen? immediately you will be a stranger in that circle that will not be welcome again, no matter how well you treated them or the money you gave them the gifts you gave them, there is no bond that will keep them together, in the end you were just a stranger who spent time with his mother. This is especially inconvenient when you decided to stay with them for a considerable time, it is time that you will not return and you will regret it all your life.

Something you have to be aware of is that you are going to have to put up with helping and caring for children who are probably not going to thank you and who you are never going to like:

sometimes children are unbearable, you will not be able to reprimand other children because in most cases they will come out with the typical "you are not my father" and if you do so you risk having problems with the real father or with the mother, as they have no real bond with you if you reprimand them you will end up being the bad stepfather for them, they will never prefer you over their real father, many children have the fantasy that their real parents are together again and you represent a barrier between the two of them that can generate resentment towards you since in the end you are their father's rival and it is very likely that when these children grow up and you are old they will give a damn about you or what happens to you , you are going to give him your best years
your money to someone who may not thank you.

You will always be the second:

For a mother, her children will always be her priority, when a single mother decides to go out with someone it is because she thinks that it is also good for her children, or in another case she is desperate to get married and that is what What does she look for in a man? the opposite of looking for a single woman without children, she is not going to look for the alpha male, she is going to look for a beta male desperate enough and unable to get women without children but with enough money to help her and her children, most single mothers have the mentality of using men, remember that they were once in a relationship that they thought was going to last forever and it ended, they rarely get over that and always have some resentment left, if a single mother notices you is because you are probably giving the image that you can't get young, childless women. Are you willing to be seen as a last option?

You will take care of other people's offspring when you could take care of your own:

Many single mothers no longer intend to have more children or even have surgery, that could prevent you from having your own children, even if it is not the case and you have a child with her, you will end up also taking care of and supporting the children of a woman who did not know how to make good choices for a partner who got pregnant in most cases very young and with an idiot equal to or worse than her without thinking about the consequences, in a few words you are going to be taking care of the children of two idiots and very probably those children learn the attitudes of their biological parents, while you could be caring for and educating children who are truly yours. Think about it, what would you think if you had children and someone else took care of them for you only a real asshole would do that.

The money:

Most single mothers do not have enough money, the father of the child obviously wants to continue his life meet other women so he only gives him what is necessary or what he is obliged to, if you go out and formalize with a single mother little by little he will be getting money from your wallet until it practically evaporates in matters of the house where she and her children live and you cannot protest because they are going to leave you with the typical YOU ACCEPTED ME THAT WAY. WE ARE A COUPLE AND YOU HAVE TO HELP ME, nothing guarantees that the relationship will last forever, and you will be building a nest where your children will not grow but someone else's.

The need for single mothers to form a home and get married at any price:

Most of these women have already forgotten what true love is and they are just looking for someone to commit to and hook up with, many of them just want to get out of the situation of being alone and show society that someone is with Even though they already have children and that their past relationship didn't work out, under the pretext that they already have a family, they won't stop pressuring you to formalize the relationship, even to make you commit, that's what really matters to them, they don't make illusions that they really love you, they see something else in you.

Your reputation will be rock bottom :

Many people will tell you that you are a great human being if you accept a mother with her children, but the truth is that your parents will be disappointed, and your friends and acquaintances will see you with pity or pity. Can you look your father or mother in the eye and tell him that his grandchildren are adopted? From the biological point of view there is nothing worse than taking care of another person's offspring, you came to this world to take care of your own offspring because you can, not that of others. In general it is an uncomfortable situation, people will ask you is it your son and you will have to answer no or maybe you are lying and you will say yes but it will be uncomfortable.

You are not his savior:

Although the reality is that a single mother is at a certain disadvantage they will never accept that, for them if they like you it is because of who they are and with everything they have, even if it seems they will never consider that you are doing them a favor by accepting them as such. and as it is, so don't expect them to thank you, therefore hanging out with a single mother doesn't free you from being unfaithful to you, leaving you or doing anything to you that could harm you morally. Remember they come from a relationship that was once great enough to conceive a child but ended so many times they take defensive positions.

They don't have their feet on the ground:

If you have met several single mothers, you will realize that most of them live in somewhat strange situations, generally these women have not learned to make good decisions, especially in the aspects that change their lives, if so, they would not be in their current situation, yes you create a link with a person who does not know how to decide well, one day one of his bad decisions will take you between the legs.

If for "x" reason you have an argument with her:

Guess who or who will always be on her side and will hold a grudge against you forever, even if it was her fault for the problem, that is her son or children, this is especially uncomfortable if you already have a formal relationship or if it is worse You still live with her and her children, it is one of the most bitter and uncomfortable things you can go through.

If they didn't even change for her children:

Many single mothers, even in spite of having one or more children, want to continue leading the life of going out to alcohol parties and looking for a new boyfriend in bars and clubs as if they had never given birth, just think, if not even for their children they stop doing these things, what can you expect from them that you are just another boyfriend?

They do not learn the lesson:

The majority of single mothers are in this situation due to their immaturity, generally getting involved with a jerk who only wanted them temporarily for sex and still irresponsibly get pregnant with him without a commitment and sometimes not even a formalization of the relationship. the relationship between them, many of them do not change their mentality after this happens and they even make the same mistakes over and over again, they do not understand that now they are in a different situation that has to be seen with more maturity and well that it is usually the root of all the problems that were mentioned in the previous paragraphs.

The worst:

There are women who have several children from several parents and are single, when you meet one of those just run, run far, far away, just think about the kind of mentality you must have so that all your relationships have been a failure and apart from everything the irresponsibility that from all her failed relationships she had children, in this type of case they are always the problem, with this type of woman I assure you that you will spend everything that I mentioned above multiplied by 10, simply a woman who does not do nonsense and she has her feet on the ground, she would never reach that situation, something is really wrong with women of this type.

I can only tell you that if you are a young single man without children starting a relationship with a single mother can make your life miserable, there are so many millions of women in the world who do not have children and with whom you could have a true fair relationship for the two and form a real family.





A big write up.... Just avoid them like the plague. Not ALL of them are shit but it's like buying shitty cars off a used car lot.... Going cheap and easy. First question is "Why?" and then next comment is "Bye".

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