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SKorea and US hold joint maritime exercises
• 06/05/22
136 Subscribers
South Korea and the US hold a joint military exercise in international waters off Japan to bolster the alliance's military readiness
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3 years ago
Oh OK. The USSA is letting S Koreans come out of their cages a little bit. How generous of the USSA Empire. Maybe next the soldiers stationed in S Korea will stop stealing the S Korean women from S Korean men. But hoes will be golddigging hoes. Which makes me wonder what any of these soldiers are fighting for.
And we still haven't learned anything from history. Uncultured swine.
3 years ago
south korea a crown colony? with ukraine in it's sights
3 years ago
3 years ago
International politics aside, these are very impressive organisations and sea going machinery.
Even from a great distance, the big aircraft carrier is HUGE.
My first thought - "How would you sink a big aircraft carrier like this?"
The extremely rare target of opportunity, from a rocket based torpedo from the sea bed?
What are their protection systems and who are they protecting against and what with and what from?
And what is the food like?
3 years ago
3 years ago