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Slavery to prevent genocide and get work done

28 Views • 04/24/22
21 Subscribers

⁣Like it or not the only way forward is to enslave our enemies,all the ones we do not kill. <br>Slavery gets shit done <br>Also <br> there's so many millions of white children who have been enslaved by <br>our non white enemies thanks to this kalergi cloward and piven shit that <br> I don't feel bad at all <br>If they didn't want us enslaving them then they should've left our children alone. <br>All <br> they had to do was stay away but they've been brainwashed by the <br>marxists to hate our race and attack our children since the commies <br>started doing that before WW2 even began. <br>There's no talking these brown and black and arab pieces of shit out of what they are doing. <br>The only way they will learn is to be enslaved,possibly for more than 1 generation. <br>It's <br> the only chance they have,if they keep blowing it eventually we'll have <br> killed so many of them their won't be a viable population left. <br>I <br> am trying to prevent genocide,trying to avoid wiping out entire races <br>but I also recognize these fuckers might just be too fucking stupid <br>crazy and brainwashed etc. to be saved. <br>If under the most <br>strict conditions they cannot be turned around if their children cannot <br>be taught to live and let live and leave our women alone if they attack <br>other children etc. I will consider it their choice to die. Their choice <br> to cause the destruction of their entire race. <br>At a certain <br>point it's out of my hands I will have given them every opportunity to <br>stop what they are doing and stop being our enemies. If they will not <br>take that opportunity there's nothing more that can be done. <br>This is the only way. Plus I don't wanna grow potatoes and clean the toilets I'll let the slaves do that shit

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2 Comments sort Sort By

2 years ago

Voluntary Slavery may well be the only way to survive in the near future. The fucking JEWS ruined the institution.

In some ancient societies, slaves were treated well if they served their master well. Some slaves were family property and treated at least as well as the master’s horse. An established house slave was given to a son or daughter who got married and it was all good.

2 years ago

I wish those people could be trusted to behave themselves. But I dont see any well behaved potential servants,just ornery insane hateful commies. If there are some who prove they can behave and be treated well than that's how they'll be treated. I am a Demon,but I'm not just a monster I do have a heart! We sent a Braun running after he sucker....well not punched he grabbed my hair while I wasn't looking. less than a minute later he was running away so fast he literally left a trail of dust. That family has been traitorous cowards for at least almost 1,200 years. I don't know what he expected but he just got manhandled a tiny bit and then ran as fast as he could. Fucking mongrel cowards. It's no wonder they ran away from my ancestors they're fucking yellow belly cowards,attacking from behind and fleeing in terror once they feel a little bit of pain for even a brief moment


2 years ago

@TheDemonKing: Are you related to any of the demons in John Milton's book, "Paradise Lost"? It's not an easy read for modern readers but, the key is to read it only as fast as it was written. It takes many tries to get through it but, I found that it gives Lucifer and his demons a chance to tell their side of the story regarding the War In Heaven and the aftermath.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Sounds neat! I was destroyed I suppose as completely as possible,but I mean obviously I'm not gone but that was a long time ago. I remember parts of the argument I was having,pieces of who I was before this strange cycle of being summoned into babies and being controlled manipulated and killed in all those human lives. I actually don't remember what my name is I remember more and more of who I am,get more memories of what I just call "Demon worlds". I thought it was all crazyness even though it's my earliest memories,until everything was confirmed to me by some of the people involved with bringing me here. People really have a false perception of demons,all because god worshipers tell everyone they're all just cartoonishly evil. I remember many beautiful things beautiful individuals. It was a long time ago I figured out that the best way to determine if a spiritual experience is genuine.Is if it's completely different and contradictory to mainstream religious and new age tavistock institute spirituality


2 years ago

@TheDemonKing: We have all lived many many lives. When you experienced your last death, you simply lost the memories contained in the physical brain. YOU still exist and are still sentient. It's very much like having years of info on your hard drive and, one day, the hard drive dies. The data may be lost but the impressions you remember in your own Mind is still 100% there. And how often does anybody actually go through their hard drive any more after a while? You'll learn new stuff and, by Karmic grace, you'll remember details of the most important stuff left behind on the old physical hard drive. Now, regarding Paradise Lost.... it was published in 1667 so, it's written in a very formal English and in a poetic form of "blank verse." Whatever that means. Here's the quick gist of the epic poem,


2 years ago

@TheDemonKing: Here's a couple of my favorite passages: "A mind not to be chang'd by Place or Time. The mind is its own place, and in itself Can make a Heav'n of Hell or a Hell of Heav'n. What matter where, if I be still the same. And what I should be, all but less then hee Whom Thunder hath made greater? Here at least We shall be free; th' Almighty hath not built Here for his envy and will not drive us hence. Here we may reign secure, and in my choyce To reign is worth ambition though in Hell. *Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heav'n.* .......AND..........(Satan was first to recover after the fall) ... on the Beach of that inflamed Sea, he stood and call'd His Legions, Angel Forms, who lay intrans't Thick as Autumnal Leaves that strow the Brooks. ... Abject and lost lay these, covering the Flood, under amazement of their hideous change. He call'd so loud, that all the hollow Deep Of Hell resounded, ."Princes, Potentates, Warriors, the Flowr of Heav'n. Once yours, now lost if such astonishment as this can sieze Eternal spirits. Or have ye chos'n this place after the toyl of Battel to repose your wearied vertue? For the ease you find to slumber here, as in the Vales of Heav'n? Or in this abject posture have ye sworn To adore the Conquerour? Who now beholds Cherube and Seraph rowling in the Flood With scatter'd Arms and Ensigns, till anon His swift pursuers from Heav'n Gates discern Th' advantage and, descending, tread us down. Thus drooping, or with linked Thunderbolts transfix us to the bottom of this Gulfe. "Awake, arise, or be for ever fall'n!"


2 years ago

@TheDemonKing: They heard, and were abasht, and up they sprung upon the wing. As when men wont to watch on duty, found sleeping by whom they dread, roused and bestir themselves ere well awake. Nor did they not perceave the evil plight in which they were, or the fierce pains not feel. Yet to their Generals Voyce they soon obey'd Innumerable.

2 years ago

Perhaps Afric top to bottom is controlled by outsiders.. The way to know is for all white men to leave.. but apparently white men want something from their lands and people,, that's why they are there.. not to help them.. like the rich people do not want to help Ameriican workers.,, immigrants,,. or the Ukraine. . the elitists want to help themselves to more for themselves and less for everybody else.... .

2 years ago

We already created numerically controlled automation.. they took it overseas and keep us poor while shipping us the goods and making themselves very rich..

2 years ago

I fully support white people in Africa helping themselves and telling the Africans to fuck off! NONE of us NOT ONE WHITE MAN is responsible for FULLY GROWN ADULT black or brown people! We damn well should stop helping them,fuck giving handouts to grown men who cannot feed themselves. Yes we are better than them,that doesn't transfer any responsibility to us. If the black africans want us to be responsible for them they must give us AUTHORITY OVER THEM,I will be responsible for every black man who I enslave. If they aren't my slave they aren't my responsibility,if they want my help they just need to put on those chains!

2 years ago

The ultra rich never really wanted to help anyone but themselves. I'm going to address wealthy people who do not want to cause poverty and suffering very soon. Both in my video about embracing envy and then greed. I don't think greed has to be bad I don't think wealth and living in abundance is a bad thing. It's only a bad thing when assholes take over all production and food and property ownership and destroy the world around them. But that's THOSE people doing it. It's not the fault of greed itself. This is why I talk about putting up a glass ceiling,let people become wealthy celebrate their wealth but don't allow them to do the corporate NWO shit that's destroying civilization as we speak

2 years ago

So I'm just saying there's nothing wrong with wealthy people existing,I will eventually address things like how they keep niche industries alive and many things wouldn't exist if nobody could afford the time and effort to produce them. Wealthy people do that. And I think I'm perfectly right when I say if blacks want me to be responsible for helping them and taking care of them I need authority over them as their master. I view women the same way they want me to be responsible for them they must surrender authority to me first!

2 years ago

@TheDemonKing: Greed is a good thing, it is what allows us drive. Without it we’d be stagnant.

2 years ago

Greed is viewed as evil because society seeks to weaken men. A stagnant being is so much easier to control for his spirit has settled itself to self-destruction.

2 years ago

I personally would prefer calling it what is truly is — Desire.

2 years ago

@TheDemonKing: it’s not so much that, but any bring that wishes to give up all responsibilities. That is what many wellfaire recipients do, they give up any responsibility for their own actions and decide to reduce themselves to the level of a dependent. That sort of pattern I think is what leads to the shit show that is communism. The idiots think they are getting a bunch of things for free but nothing is free. End result is enslavement and/or purging.

2 years ago

Since those in power don’t want to waste resources on useless beings.

2 years ago

@eldrazi317: But if WE are the ones doing the enslaving,well that story has a very different ending! They wanna enslave us,I say we enslave them instead!

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