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Sleep Paralysis- Exorcisms, Aliens, Mickey Mouse, Sonic the Hedge Hog, Lilith, Apotropaic objects
• 06/11/23
78 Subscribers
SAUCE- Bibledes was a ex lesbian for twenty years who ODed off drugs died went to hell came back and started seeing strange stuff for 8 years learned they were demons became a christian and now makes videos on jewtube on biblical and mythological mysteries. vid of her testimony
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2 years ago
I've had a few experiences with sleep paralysis. Not fun. Not as bad as the single encounter I had with a demon but close. As for seeing thing's I only saw the hag once. At the time I assumed my mind was messing with me so I closed my eyes and thought positive thoughts. I still don't know why it went away because nothing changed as far as I can tell. Waking up and being unable to move except for my eyes was very scary the first time.