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Smooth Criminal (Michael Jackson) Drum and Bass Cover

23 Views • 08/10/23
18 Subscribers

Smooth Criminal (Michael Jackson) Drum and Bass Cover --- <br> <br>#sinadrums #rockcover #michaeljackson <br>I've watched Jonathan Moffett play this tune over on Drumeo over and over again, amazed by the precision and determination in his playing, so I've been looking forward to trying this one myself. Check it out if you haven't seen it: • Michael Jackson's Drummer Jonathan Mo... <br> <br>I've also started practicing bass again recently, so I hope you don't mind seeing double for this one :) <br> <br>If you would like to support my musical journey, you can become my patron right here: <br> <br> <br>Or you can sign up as a YouTube Channel Member: <br> / @sina-drums <br> <br>Video &amp; Audio by Nils Neumann: <br> / @nils-neumann <br> <br> <br>More about me: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>My original music is on all streaming platforms (look out for 'Chi Might'). <br>Spotify: <br> <br>Buy my CDs: <br> <br>Spotify: <br> <br>My equipment: <br>Kirchhoff Schlagwerk <br> <br> <br>Evans Drumheads <br> <br> <br>Beyerdynamic microphones TG I51, TG D58c, TG D57c, MC930, and headphones (DT 770 M) <br> <br> <br>Check out some more of the gear I use right here: <br> <br> <br>#smoothcriminal #michaeljackson #kingofpop #rockcover #drumcover #basscover #sinadrums

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2 Comments sort Sort By
2 years ago

oh yea ... You got the balls to change a few words around to make this your own, & green card it to State Attorney General & Governor of your State, huh.?

2 years ago

Some of you boiz bitch & moan I upload girls playing music. Well, get over your imaginary self induced defeatism of girl cooties. In other words that a even a queer boi cancomprhehend, piss off boigo elsewhere.

Plenty of channels here that bitch all day long of Our / Man / Men Realm of Women That God / Creator Commands Us Take Control Through Decent / Good Husbandry & Authority Over-Stand.

I for one, wanna PUKE @ so-called men that bitch of such worldly crap. I mean, WTF is wrong w/Ya that bitch of girls.? Just don't payattention to the fucking dumb Twats that dis-respect ya.

They feed off of male attentions, good / bad / indifferent the dumb fucking C.U.N.T.S. can just die asfaras I am concerned.

Yet, I will enjoy the chicks that seem to be half ass decent that do something not destructive if not contructive with their lives. :)

My own daughters are / have been quite helpful to folks in the medical field helping fucked up / sick children. Something wrong w/that.? I don't think so, Ibe rather proud ofmy babies.

Have a Great Day.

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