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Space Aliens
• 02/07/22
"K C" "Sunbeam"
17 Subscribers
Could intelligent being from outer space have visited Earth? And who are the real aliens? I answer these questions and provide numerous interesting facts.
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3 years ago
my favorite tv show is stargate sg1, so i would love the alien stuff to be real, but i haven't seen anything that really proves this stuff, but i have seen a lot of videos talking about this stuff as you are describing and a lot of other videos showing stuff.
there is this one dude who is on youtube who does really good convincing CGI videos of UFO's, but he lets folks know it's CGI, but when he first started his channel he just left it open to interpretation as most people believed it was real, most people are morons when it comes to this kind of stuff.
3 years ago
3 years ago
remember that planet sized object that was syphoning something from the sun?
i'm not sure it was real or not, but i thought it was such a cool video.
3 years ago