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St George’s Day; why are the English the only people forbidden to glory in their history-

34 Views • 04/23/22
190 Subscribers

Here in the UK today is St Georges Day our ENGLISH Patron saint (Evebn if he was Turkish)! lol! but whilst other parts of Britain and the world in general can celebratetheir Patron saint's Day England is forbidden or shunned for celebrating theirs as apparently we are Racist's? This short History less explains how the LEFTOID's and RACIST's (namely those of color themselves) are ignorant to &quot;The blacked up face in Enghlish History)? AND it has nothing to do with slavery or oppression of Blacks or even anything to do with black people in any regard? This is fascinating. Terns like &quot;Don't come the black man with me &quot; are nothing to do with skin color and nothing to do with Black peoples and culture ar all. - It in fact like many ENGLISH sayings was around before immigrants in vaste numbers even hit our shores? would you believe it is to do with &quot;Medievel &quot;POACHING&quot;! lol! <br> <br>so whilst all the mentallynill leftoid's blow their minds because of their IGNOIRANCE, the truth is northing to do with their deluded view? which comes from either their own Guilt or ignorance of true fact's, but then what do you expect from Millennialsd and Gen &quot;z&quot; assholes?

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2 years ago

The English foolishly allowed JEWS back in! The Edict of Expulsion fixed England's problems and they enjoyed a golden age. It was OLIVER CROMWELL who repealed the Expulsion and England has been plagued by JEWS ever since.

Until you English drag the JEWS out into the light and connect their crimes to their collective identity, your own History will be denied to you. If (((THEY))) can't deny it, (((THEY))) will demonize it.

2 years ago

Oh Yeah you should be Proud - The English aren't Racist They have Conquered Blacks and Whites Alike -Like the Old saying (The sun never sets on the people England has Enslaved !. )


2 years ago

Perhaps the English SHOULD BE RACIST!!! Racism is a healthy projection of White culture AND a vigorous rejection of races and cultures that have proven to be toxic. It especially attacks the JEWS who have made it no secret of their long-term agenda to either enslave or exterminate Whites. The White Race has carried the Jews on our backs in the form of Christianity and it's time we threw them all off!

2 years ago

I can verify that sweeping chimneys is dirty. Had a wood stove growing up and we had to clean the chimney once a year. And that was only burning wood not coal like the chimney sweeps had to clean.


2 years ago

The English are (or WERE) known for far superior enterprises than chimney sweeping. The Industrial Revolution is Exhibit "A" of that superiority. The U.K. had a huge auto industry for a long time until Jews infiltrated into management and created so much friction with the labor unions that the entire thing fell apart. The U.K. once had a world-class military-industrial complex. Not any more. The U.K. enjoyed a high standard of living before and after both World Wars. Not any more. WHY??? Not for lack of racial or organic vitality but, JEWS who used (((social engineering))) to undermine and destroy the U.K.

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