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Statistician, podcaster and professor goes national on the dating plights of men.

172 Views • 08/08/23
Better Bachelor
Better Bachelor
376 Subscribers

We've known for years how the dating market works, but more and more the information continues to leak in to main stream media. <br> <br>Join us on Locals for Saturday Night at the Movies every Saturday Night 8pm EST! <br> <br>Join the patriarchy today - every supporter makes a feminist cry. Join here on YT or better yet on (it's free to become a member) to see more of the content you love. Better yet, become a supporter today and get free speech forums, memes, and unique content and live streams for just the cost of a cup of coffee. Locals - <br> <br>On Rumble: <br> <br>For a one time Support/Donation <br> <br> <br>--------Other Media------ <br>My Second Channel

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2 years ago

It's weird man. I know some of these chix, they went to school with my youngest daughter & or know of her cuz they are younger than her. They know I be 62yo. Fucking weird shit. Relationships are fucked up bad now a days.

2 years ago

@BetterBachelor #BetterBachelor ... 05:00 ... Damn Fine Story.

I Be 5'8" & Done Similar w/6'1" Hot Ass Babe @ Job-site Decades Ago. Her 1st Job Out of College as Architect, She be 22-24yo, I be 30-32 (2yr job) ole Journeymen / Master Mason. Look that one up.

Certifications of all sorts up my virgin tight ass hole butt. Man I am a fucking prick when it comes to construction. Including Job-site, & Scaffolding Safety Officer. Red Tags are a Bitch. LOL

Everyone, I mean everyone bent over backwards to lick her butt. Not me, been there done that. Cute chix w/ or w/o $$ aint nuttin'. Tall chix, w/Legs that go ALL the way up to their / her ass, so what.?

I'd been doing my own catalog / brochures selling everything from shampoo, silver fox fur clothes, heels, lingerie, dresses, black Tahitian pearls, deBeers diamonds for a couple decades already as my 1st official EIN biz started just after turning 17yo in 1978. Big fucking deal, chix & sometimes their moms knock on my fucking door for shit. whoopie Wholesale/Retail/Sales and Marketing ................. covers damn near every fucking thing including Minority Owned GSA contracts.
Oh I can't find a worthwhile "JOB " ... No fucking simp-Ya-thee ... bitches bitch

That young, inexperienced bitch crawled through a window opening as we were laying brick ~80 feet off the ground onto our crank-up scaffolding. I know she was not trained for scaffolding safety, I did the training. Oh Boy.
She placed her delicate fingers in / on several locations where IF the shit cranked up or down for elevation would have cut them off, & or smashed them flat. Either way I bet she would have cried like a lil' girl. :(
Not one guy down that end of scaffold said a Fucking word @ her about that even though they all were Starry Eyed CUCK boys smiling & giggling with / at her stupid shit. They all knew better.
Well, well she came down to my end to see my work, prob to make sure I wasn't fucking up the color pattern of the brick.? WTF Bitch.? We were allowed to use #5 re-bar as mid & top safety rail on that shit.

Guess what she did with those Long Ass Legs.? Her Butt was square on the top back rail of which was bending cuz she LEANING on it as she scoped out her pretty colored penciled in print looking @ my shit.
Oh Fuck Me. Ya see, I began working ~8 weeks before the mason contractor on that job-site because I am so fucking experienced with shit. The Whole Job (~200 men) was SHUT FUCKING DOWN ... RED TAGGED !
By The City, State, & The Feds. Some Dumb Fucking Idiot Got Squished Between Crushed Rock Ground & a Full of Tools KNACK Tool Box.
Only Squished From The Neck On Down Though. I Guess The Sudden Pressure Popped His Head Like a Grape.

I Showed Up Downtown @ The Feds Building For Construction Shit Next Morning When It Was On Local Morning News & In The Local Newspapers Front Page.

Oh Boy was I pissed. It took ~15 minutes of Faxes back & forth, Corp of Engineers, City of Seattle, King County, Washington, Oregon & Alaska States.

Met the General First Time On Job-site escorted over by MANY white hats from downtown. I went Ballistic. There was still chunks of flesh, & blood where the dumb fucker got squished.
The excavator dug out a dump truck load of crushed rock, & hauled it off for PROPER FUCKING BURIAL as per My Ass Hole Orders To The General. I was Pissed.

Needless to say that long legged chick became study buddies & quite close, a little too close for comfort as I already had plans that did not include another fucking child let alone marriage YET.
That came later in the form of two more babies & no marriage through State sanctions. :) My 1st baby was ~12yo @ the time, & I was in no hurry to add more to my Estate.

Imagine this falling on you from ~24 feet up, & chock full of tools & shit. Kinda hurt wouldn't it.? ...

2 years ago

Galloway understands when 50% of men are sexless and hopeless it's game over for that society. These problems will effect everyone at some point. Western society is not immune to laws of nature.

Drums McBashington
Drums McBashington
2 years ago

It will always be put back on men. Everything is men's fault, after all.
The solution is No Men. Leave them to their own devices. They will eventually have to face the facts, or starve to death from stubbornness. The harem system won't work this time around. Sultans wanted commitment, modern men, not so much.

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