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Stay Single 002: Lack of Gratitude & Entitlement Complex
• 08/19/23
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1 year ago
We "owe" them.
From years of perceived patriarchal oppression.
Gaslighting is their means of survival. They live in a world of self written fiction, while reality comes apart at the seams, all around them. Chaos is female. Men have to learn to stop fixing female destruction. Just leave them to wallow in it.
2 years ago
This attitude of entitlement and arrogant narcissism has been going on since the 80's, as a boomer, I have witnessed it evolve. True it is now worse than ever and you can blame us for allowing it to happen by not stopping it in its tracks back then. However the original story we were sold was that the laws, mores and folkways were so heavily skewed to advantage the males that it was just to level the playing field. The financial and political class saw an advantage to cater to this movement as a voting/power base and an economical advantage. Power and money is behind a lot of this. If the current geo-political and economic situation goes sideways in a violently kinetic fashion the feminazis will come begging for protection from those they now turn their noses up to. I suggest we return the favor by offering them no succor, in short, since they don't need no man, let them defend themselves.
2 years ago
2 years ago
A woman's motto is: what's mine is MINE, what's yours is MINE, what's ours is MINE; you have what is left over unless she wants it then it is hers as well. That includes resources, time or anything else of value i.e. blood, tissue, life etc.
2 years ago
Very Good.
2 years ago