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22 Views • 06/17/23
54 Subscribers

Are you scared of women? <br> <br>Why you are trained to hate sales and jocks! <br> <br>Well, I guess my perfectionsim that I complained about before, has finally paid off - I saved up for a bigger tip instead of tipping you 1 dollar a week. <br>I wanted to thank you for what you're doing - you've had an enormous positive influence on my life, especially through call-in shows and philosophical approach <br>to relationships. <br>P.S. <br>Forget about what I just said earlier - this tip is actually meant to keep your shirt on! <br> <br>WHEN SPENDING MONEY MAKES MONEY! <br> <br>Hey Stef, I know this is a Philosophy show but I love when you talk about making money, and finances. SO much so here's some money. <br> <br>This conversation is uncomfortable but in a good way. <br> <br>This is profound. I live my public life like a man who is worth $100k. I could easily life my public life like a man who is worth $500k. I'm just lazy. <br> <br>Stef, are you able to elaborate what this looks like for women? <br> <br>Yeah I'm starting to realize the extra money gave me safety but I had a way worse life because I had a shit place and the safety made me lazier. <br> <br>I still struggle with this cheap mindset as an adult. I was bullied into looking for the cheapest option or discounts as a kid. I hated it. It was exhausting. Now I spend money on quality things and I never want to cheap out again, but I still get that urge from time to time. Usually when buying food. I sometimes buy cheaper, but almost always regret it, because the food is usually terrible. <br> <br>Thank you for bringing this up! This is a wonderful superlatively valuable. <br> <br>OK I'LL SPEND SOME MONEY!!! THANK YOU STEF!! ( I did recently upgrade my clothes from band tees not too long ago) <br> <br>My brother constantly torches my ass over not owning a couch. When the ladies come over they get a first class virtual golfing experience in a creepy open room that looks a lot like a Dexter killing room. This might might not be an optimal breeding strategy. <br> <br>HOW TO LOOK GOOD! <br> <br>Stef why do you think spending money helps you make more money? Does it bring out your survival instincts? <br> <br>Oh god this show is so much knowledge <br> <br>I grew into money gradually. I was poor and the only things going for me were looks, talents and my class background. It could have seemed risky from woman's perspective to get involved with me as I only had potential for things in my early 20's. My wife (then girlfriend) inspired me to work hard and always stood by my side even when I wanted to give up. If it wasn't for her, I'd be living like a bum still. <br> <br>Livestream 16 June 2023

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3 Comments sort Sort By
2 years ago

A jew saying spend money you dont have and pay interest to other jews, Smart jew

2 years ago

dumb boomer thinks that nce car gets you impressed by women or in a job interview, exactly how do they know what car you drive , its parked in a sea of cars in the parking lot of the multistory office building, and to impress your dinner work party guests you can rent a friend or escort and make a fake backstory, this guy is really stupid he cultural moores of dating might apply to 1960, but not 2023 dating or work interviews which happen on zoom often and not even inperson anymore. If you are hot, she doesnt car if you drive a lumina ! What long term is he talking about women arent even having children let alone marrying anymore

2 years ago

How about suggesting an alternative to marrying through the predatory State? The West has made "getting married" via traditional methods far too risky for the average man.

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