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Stop Playing It Safe | Why Men Simp
Thanks Shaun G <br> <br>Gentlemen, <br> <br>If you were born after 1970 you were born into a world of "I am woman hear me roar". Women can roar all they wish, but the world as we know it was built by men. That speaks louder and there has been a huge effort to squash masculinity. This is not about berating women rather it's an explaination of why men stay stuck and in a Beta male mindset. <br> <br> <br>Website: <br>Go Fund Me: <br>Patreon: <br>YouTube Subscriber Only Promo <br> <br>Professional Image Consultant Online Services <br> <br> <br>-~-~~-~~~-~~-~- <br>Please watch: "Most Complimented Fragrances of 2017 | COMPLIMENT MONSTERS" <br> <br>-~-~~-~~~-~~-~-
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