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Caros criadores, temos o orgulho de anunciar um incrível programa de afiliados para vocês ganharem muito dinheiro de forma contínua. Leia sobre nosso programa de afiliados aqui.
Struggle Love Is Not a Problem......Swirling Is?!
"Struggle Love" is the idea that women must lower their standards for men and settle for relationships that do not benefit them and in fact, harm them and hold them back in life. <br> <br>Why are so many involved in struggle love? <br>Do you have other options? <br>Is the grass truly greener on the other side? <br> <br>Join Zoom Meeting <br> <br> • Please get in a quiet area with low or no background noise. <br> • Turn off TV and all windows and applications other than ZoomUS. <br> • No speaker or bluetooth use headphones if needed. <br> • Make sure your camera and light source are in FRONT of you not behind. <br> • Please limit your responses to 30 seconds and do not talk over other guests. <br> • Why the host speaks please do not interrupt or attempt to over talk. <br> • Remember this is a show with hundreds of viewers and thousands of playbacks act accordingly. <br> <br> <br>Support the channel here: <br>* Donate: <br>* Super Chat: <br>* PayPal: <br>* CashApp:$bykevinsamuels <br>* Patreon: <br>_________________________________________________ <br> <br>Book your 1 on 1 Virtual Consultation: <br> <br> <br>Shop here: <br> <br>_____________________________________________________________ <br>Follow me on social media <br>Facebook: <br>Instagram: <br>Twitter: <br>Snapchat: <br>Business Inquiries: [email protected] <br>________________________________________________________________
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