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Supporting a Family on One Income is a Choice

22 Views • 04/24/22
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2 years ago

Just say no to the hate, bigotry, discrimination, prejudice, and venom from InfiniteMushroom. 6 million murdered Jews + 6 million murdered political prisoners, homosexuals, ethnic minorities, gypsies, Jehovah Witness's, Catholics, and Clergy will thank you. Because of the evil rhetoric and ideology IM puts out, Buffalo happens. IM, repent of your sins and pray to receive Christ as Lord and Savior and He will replace the hate in your heart with love!!!


2 years ago

The average ranch home in the 1950's and 1960's was 1500 sq ft or less. Home buyers had to put down 20%, the Rule of 200 always applied, and 6% was the typical mortgage interest rate. The Rule of 200 was used to determine how much house you could afford and pay for over the life of a 30 year mortgage. That was all determined by the man's income earning ability. 1/3 of your gross income was the limit on what you could borrow for a home. All of that "friction" kept housing prices reasonable. Even feminism was somewhat in check. Getting married was a reasonable risk and worth the gamble.

(((Reaganomics))) destroyed that finely balanced system that we inherited from the New Deal. NOBODY is building affordable ranch-style homes because the banks are loaning out money from foreign 3rd party "investors" and they don't care because they are just acting as middlemen. They will approve insane loans for overpriced houses. All the risk is being carried by the home buyer now. This has caused housing prices to skyrocket. The developers are carrying massive amounts of accumulated debt and those debts are managed by building bigger and bigger homes. How? By proposing oversized houses, the developer can borrow more money with which to clear the old debt, pay the old interest, and then finance the existing construction going forward. The spec houses are built and he goes to the bank to borrow even more on the next suburban eyesore.

It's all too big to pay off and retire the debt. The moment the developer can't borrow anymore, it all crashes and he's bankrupted. The moment banks can't lend out ever increasing loans, it all crashes. The moment when banks can't finance all the paper they're holding, it all crashes.

The only way to get control of the monster is to first NAME THE JEWS who engineered this from Day One. By design, much of ZOG-U.S. wealth is found in the huge river of stolen money that flows through Wall Street daily. A mandatory 1% sales tax on all securities traded will claw back all that stolen wealth at a manageable rate. The computers can handle millions of trades in a day? GREAT! ONE PERCENT OFF THE TOP EVERY FUCKING TIME!

With the wealth recovery process established, then it's time to reimpose the old New Deal regulations on most everything. Some aspects of the New Deal didn't work and those don't have to be implemented. But, we can now compare 40 years of New Deal America (1930's-1970's) to 40 years of (((Reaganomics))) ZOG-U.S. (1980's to present). The better era is pretty fucking obvious.....


2 years ago

BTW fuck off Mustang. Your precious JEWS cannot hide from their sins or their lies. Say YES to anti-Semitism. The future of the world depends on it.


2 years ago

smart men do not get "entangled" with cunts in the USA anymore.....if you wanna keep your money and be happy


2 years ago

300K easy to have a family on one income


Every sperm is sacred - so how can I raise 10,000 families of 6 million children?

2 years ago

Or refused to shop at Thrift Stores.

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