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Syrian Nut Stabs French Kids - Media Carries Water

21 Views • 06/13/23
The Realist Philosopher
The Realist Philosopher
414 Subscribers

Of course a Syrian refugee attacked only white babies with a knife, and of course the media, and law enforcement claim to have no idea why he did it. Because, of course. Oh, and the full video of the attack is here. <br> <br> (Donations) <br> <br>[email protected] (Email)

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Mgtow live
Mgtow live
2 years ago

Maybe men don't give a shit sad to see but understandable

Satan Christ
Satan Christ
2 years ago

The reason this shit happens is because these turbo-cucked western European cuntries let it happen. They're go goddamn cucked they just let anything happen, even to the point where their cuntry becomes an absolute shithole. This is what you get when you live in a cultural Marxist soyciety. To all those Swedish women that were raped by Mohammed, to all those white European people killed by these fuckers, you can thank your retarded Jew-run leftist governments, and their braindead cultural marxist policies. France in particular has always been a nation of cucks, so this, along with that truck attack that happened years ago, and others, is hardly surprising. At this rate, western Europe won't exist for very long.

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