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TAOGYOW - Are You Ready?

140 Views • 07/11/20
TAOGYOW - The Art of Going Your Own Way!

Are you prepared for what may come? My ex thought I was a little nuts, because I told her these things were coming. Fool! Die in your ignorance. My people perish for lack of knowledge. Don't be a fool!

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5 years ago

I don't know if it's worth mentioning but when I subtracted the 4" from the 14" .. perhaps I should have subtracted 6" from the 14".. as it is being calibrated for the 300yds distance.. and the 4" drop compensation was at the 200 yds distance.. so that would just change the math to an 8" adjustment (vs 10) which is 8d div. by 3 x 4 = 11 clicks up.. which is 2-3/4" at 100yds,, 5-1/2" at 200yds and 8-1/4" at 300yds.. So then it would be 6 + 8-1/4" = 14-1/4" up trajectory.. bullet should hit 1/4" high.. so those are the two possibilities in my thinking.. I would only know my rifle and ammo by testing it.. and then I would take notes.. oh, but the error is only 2" anyway.. I would split the difference if I had to do it right now.. lol. 12 clicks up.. heh..

5 years ago

I think I should take this one more step.. ok,, lets say you have your trajectory chart for 30:06 165 grain.. and it says there is a 4" drop in 200 yds and you are already zeroed at 200 yds.. and you want to make a shot at 300yds.. and the chart says the drop is 14" for 300yds,, so you need to raise the trajectory 10" at 300yds..
ok, 4 clicks of the screw = 1 moa or 1" at 100yds.. so it also = 2" at 200yds and 3" at 300yda..
So you turn the adjustment counter-clockwise to raise it like you are raising the head of a screw.. the math is like this 10 div. by 3 x 4 = 13 clicks up adjustment. counter-clockwise..
13 clicks hgives you 3-1/4" at 100yds. 6-1/2" at 200yds.. and 9-3/4" at 300yds.. So your goal is 14" and you have 4 + 9-3/4" .. so the bullet should hit 1/4" below the crosshair.

5 years ago

I made a correction on the direction you adjust the scope... It's like moving the head of a screw the way you want the bullet to go.. on elevation AND windage..

5 years ago

A short lesson on shooting for anyone who may benefit, , scopes are not just for sighting your prey.. they are for adjusting for gravity and wind over a distance.. a moa minute of angle is 1" at 100 YARDS.. Your scope is designed to work on this principle.. it may be 4 clicks = 1 moa aka 1" at 100yds. anyways I have heard a rule of thumb on windage is 1 moa per mile per hour at full power.. see, the wind may be fully on 90 degrees or at an angle which lessens the effect.. it could be 45 degrees.. which means less compensation.. so thats about all I can tell ya on the windage adjustment.. ok,, now for the drop or elevation.. which is caused by gravity.. just like you throw a ball higher to make it go farther you must do the same with a bullet.. a bullet will drop at the same speed a penny will drop from your fingers.. .. typical of high power 30 caliber .30" diameter 30:06 or .308 the rule of thumb is 2" high at 100yds will put you dead on at 200yds.. If you have a 600' range then just zero at that then all adjustments can be made from there.. anything inside of 600' can just be adjusted visually. called a holdover. i.e if zero is at 200yds then bullet will be 2" high at 100 yds.. so aim 2" low. . or you can take it out with 8 clicks on the elevation screw..

5 years ago

Of course the rule of thumb on the 2" high varies as does the scope ht off the rifle bore.. thats why they call it rule of thumb./. heheh.. so a 22 caliber is 22/100 of an inch in diameter. so is a military .223.. just sppreadin the love .. ;).. it's funny watching someone at the range and their bullets are hittin the dirt.. my scope is 2" above the barrel bore so I will shoot 50' to start and adjust so I am punching 2" low.. that makes a parallel and should get you on paper at 100yds by aiming a little high.. .. THEN you adjust the scope so you'rew punching 2" high at 100yds. then you go to 200yds and adjust to zero there.. If you want the bullet to hit thje crosshair you will have to adjust the scope for a particular distance.. The 200yds zero on a high power 30 cal is typical. to try to zero on 100yds can be fcukewd up as the bullet has to go up and then down for the true zero.. and that gun needs some space.. then as the distance increases the drop increases ALOT and you need a chart and distance finder..

5 years ago

I have a 30:06.. I can shoot at my property.. I will shoot from inside my shop out into a pile of dirt at 100yds.. I use a tripod .. It's not child's play that's for sure.. I will take a steel 5 gallon bucket filled with water and hit it dead on target with my steyr. . it splits the can 10" at the entrance.. leaves regular hole at exit.. The slower the bullets are the higher you have to aim per distance..

5 years ago

You have a boreline and you have a sight line.. the bullets exits the bore and should travel through the sightline on the way up and then back through the sight line again on the way down and THAT is your zero.. when the bullet crosses the sightline on the way down.. and it will only happen at one distance.. less distance it will be low or high.. further distance it will be low..

5 years ago

I was taught by a green beret sniper with 65 confirmed kills in vietnam.. ;) .. so he says.. probably true. between the tripod,, the sling and pressing the trigger inline with the barrel.. I am scary good shot.. lol

5 years ago

Here in Uruguay, no BLM bullshit here. Also a lot of land my friend ;)

TAOGYOW - The Art of Going Your Own Way!

Hmmm... palm trees and beaches. I don't know anything about the interior. I'll take a look.

5 years ago

@TAOGYOW - The Art of Going Your Own Way! : I think Uruguay is the excellent place for a western guy to move to. Live here now a couple of years and never regret one second of it.

5 years ago

I think another housing collapse could be on the way.. there's nothing in reserve with interest rates way low.. iow they cant lower rates to save anything.. heheh.. I see for sale signs going up and needing too much.. well, this is south Florida we have these issues.. I am not a fan of owning vacant land as the tax bill keeps coming in so either live there or make money on it or ,, I am not so interested.. I have owned an empty lot for 32 years.. The smart thing would have been to selll it around 2006 for 60.. I figured I could give it to my son.. He is not concerned with rent he is doing fine.. yea, taxes.. heheheh.. A nice little carbine out there is a hipoint 995.. you can get accessories with it.. uh, you need redball 20 rd mags imo which are an aftermarket item.. I got mine cheap and with the redball mags and silicone lube everything works fine.. The trigger is plastic though.. made in America.. with a lifetime guarantee. it's accurate and a +p 125gr golden saber is approaching 357 power through a 16" barrel;.. effective range 300'.. semi-automatic..

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