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TAOGYOW - When is enough enough?

175 Views • 01/12/22
TAOGYOW - The Art of Going Your Own Way!

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3 years ago

mystery science theater comment section. . lol

3 years ago

The short diy videos are interesting.

Keep plugging away, day by day. The clown world will fall. They want to make it hard for us to live. But if they want to kill me I won't make it easy either.

The common good is evil. I like that saying.


There is a thing with the valving in these, in that they can be refilled, but they were never designed to be RE - filled.

And never mind the "Safety Sally" shit... I have looked right into the technical side of the issues, and I became quite reluctant to refill them.

The little tanks are as expensive as all fuck to buy here...

Given the choices of getting gouged like all fuck on the prices or create a real risk of fire and explosion by refilling them, I made the decision to not buy them.

3 years ago

Remember - When rock bottom of anything is reached the only way will be "UP" Rock Bottom is the point that either Chaos or Order flip's it's poles? Chao's is reaching rock bottom so the rebound WILL flip to Order of some type and NOT NWO at all. They have failed in their little fling and heads must role. NON COMPLIANCE is the way out of all this. Good luck to the few with trying to control the billion's! lol! They can only control the billion's if the billion's let them, without Us they have no power at all so people need to wake up, first individually and then congregating and pooling their idea's. Like every great thing in history, it starts with a few individuals refusing to comply?

3 years ago

Covid figures here in the UK anyway's they just pull out their asses when they want to spread a little more FEAR. The thing is People even sheeple are starting to see patterns. You always eventually start to see patterns via Number's. In reality the figures actually met up to reality their should be Body's 6 foot high in the streets? But Nope. hospitals should be over whelmed? NOPE! Funeral homes would be over whelmed? Nope, and I know that one because I have many friends and connections with Funeral services and they have told me their is no rise in mortality other than the usual winter spike of old people passing on. I've heard that from their own mouths as a service dealing with the dead and more than one outlet as well?

There is NO VIRUS, it's ALL about Control, but the Psychopath's are now due to their own arrogance starting to lose it? People are not as dumb as they thought we are or as dumb as they are. Their arrogance has but them on the back step as it crumbles before them. They now have to find a way of bullshitting us out of this and remaining in control (that they don't have anyways)? The Virus thing nowe discovered will have to be wound down as they have been found out? Interesting times are forward of Us right now?

3 years ago

I wouldn't buy that the media doesn't know how to bullshit their way out of the "pandemic". The way I see it, I know their destination. I don't need to track their every move and turn, and understand it. They have demonstrated they can control the masses at will. I am preparing for their destination


3 years ago

As long as it takes so long for the Sheeple to finally see through the bullshit, then they are still dumb. Smart people see the bullshit UPFRONT and know the pattern already. The U.K. has certainly had it share of official malfeasance and it should be common knowledge now. There are no excuses for not knowing. The only thing that should be discussed in the pubs and rugby games is how and when to HANG THE BASTARDS. Indeed, nobody should give a shit about any athlete but, the rock stars of the age should be those men who KILLED the politicians, judges, social engineers, and fat cats who brought us into this madness.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Well said. Did you notice that when all this started it was the Liesure and area's where people met and talked that were first on their list of no no's? this is because historically this is where Descent and Revolutions have started? It had nothing to do with a FAKE virus, and that is what it has so obviously become, It's about silencing opposition to their Psychopathic rules? Have you also noticed that everything even restriction's they cannot make law? They say it's LAW but it isn't as the channels Law requires to be Law has not been followed or instigated. Everything is "under the counter" shall we say, It's ALL empty fear mongering and LIE's . Get the populous in FEAR, then you can do what you like with them, but their are many of us who just don't do FEAR, I'm one of them.


3 years ago

@mrghoster: I figured out how (((THEY))) get around the "Law" question. They enlist the private sector, specifically the giant corporations, to be (((CHANGE AGENTS))). By threatening to fire people for not taking the jab, by preventing people from shopping, or preventing people from engaging in activities provided by the business, (((TPTB))) are effectively implementing the tyranny via proxy. The tyrant can claim his hands are clean, the business can claim "We just want you to be safe," and the (((MEDIA))) can keep a hammerlock on any dissenting news to the contrary. A fine Gordian Knot! Forget trying to untie it. Only the SWORD of rebellion can cut it asunder! HANG THE BASTARDS and LET THE SHOAH BEGIN.

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