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TFM Clip - Manhattan Billionaire Michael Fuchs Gets Divorce Raped
• 03/04/22
Red Pill Satori
40 Subscribers
Manhattan Billionaire, Michael Fuchs, is getting divorce raped in court, and he's worth approx $1.7 billion.
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3 years ago
she will likely still sue if it's horse radish sauce, that's an old tom leykis original, the goal of this tactic is to get her to avoid doing this in the first place. so that's why you use the red stuff and use plenty of it, if it's really really red, she might have avoided it, but if it was only a little red she will do it if that's what she wants.
if you can get your sperm to look bright red and make it also smell really pungent as tabasco, she will likely avoid using it, unless she's really fucking stupid, most guys misinterpret the tactic and only do this to hurt the women, but it's better they do this to make her avoid doing this at all.
3 years ago
How much has this cock and cash riding cunt contributed to his earning capacity?
She looks like a leech that was only in it for the fun times and free shit.
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago