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TFM Clip - Women's Sports = Special Olympics
• 03/27/22
Red Pill Satori
40 Subscribers
TFM talks about how Women's Sports is just the Special Olympics.
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3 years ago
Uhm. TFM, Amazkns did exist and they were in Ukraine. Their burials, graves of women with weapons-- saddle no soft tissue so we could not see if they cut off their left breadt fir the Ancient bow, were found on the 80s.
I love how, what's that puppet's name? Zelenski? Is honoring Ukraine's past and pride by putting bitches in the frontlines. Beautiful! It's so beautiful the connection between past and present! Clapp. Clapp. Oh shit, it the Clapp! Fucking wannabe Russian whores spreading STDs... ; - )
3 years ago
Idk TFM, if Kandi was a stripperstripper... Kandi Crushed might be a good uhm hentai game...
3 years ago
Shit. I am a biologist. I have two STEM degrees and a Classics Lit Degree. You know what that means? I can tell you what a woman is biologically, chemically, and historically. Hell, I will even throw in philosophically. If you disagree, you just a dumb bitch who don't know no Thang.
3 years ago
Beautiful and Brave!
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago