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The Backwater Gospel

8 Views • 07/11/20
Ebenezer Eibenhardt
Ebenezer Eibenhardt
5 Subscribers

All credit to the project's original creators and contributors.

A bachelor film project 2011 from The Animation Workshop.

As long as anyone can remember, the coming of The Undertaker has meant the coming of death. Until one day the grim promise fails and tension builds as the God fearing townsfolk of Backwater wait for someone to die

The soundtrack has been released as a free EP, which can be found here:
By: Bo Mathorne, Tue T. Sørensen, Arthur Gil Larsen, Rie C. Nymand, Mads Simonsen, Thomas H. Grønlund, Esben Jacob Sloth, Martin Holm-Grevy

Bo Mathorne - Director
Arthur Gil Larsen - Animation Lead
Mads Simonsen - Technical director
Thomas Grønlund - Animator
Rie Nymand - Animator
Esben Sloth - Art Director
Martin Holm-Grevy - Environment lead
Tue Toft Sørensen - Animator

Music composed and performed by:
Sons of Perdition

Voice actors:
The Tramp: Zebulon Whatley
The Minister: Lucien Dodge
Bubba: Phillip Sacramento
Towns people: Laura Post

Michelle Nardone - Production supervisor
Katrine Talks - Production supervisor
Jessie Roland - Animation supervisor
Christian Kuntz - Animatic supervisor
Patrick Voetberg - Editing supervisor
Sunit Parekh-Gaihede - CG supervisor
Jared Embley - Rigging supervisor
Thomas Christensen - Sound supervisor
Svend Nordby - Technical supervisor

Peter Albrechtsen - Sound design consultant
Michael Valeur - Story consultant
Andrew Harris - CG Consultant
Mads Juul - Animatic consultant
Saschka Unseld - 3D animatic consultant
Anna Kubik - 3D animatic consultant
Jericca Cleland - Story consultant
Marec Fritzinger - Design consultant
Tomm Moore - Design consultant
Lawrence Marvit - Design consultant
Niels Bach - Background consultant

Thanks to:
Lasse Niragira Rasmussen - Additional animation
Jeppe Bro Døcker - Additional animation
Morten Thorning - Moral guidance
Oliver Kirchhoff - Scripting
Those Poor Bastards - Inspiration
Robert Bennett - Voice work - Textures
Friends and family

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Ebenezer Eibenhardt
Ebenezer Eibenhardt 5 years ago  

I'd just like to dedicate this mirror to all the well-meaning censors, comment deleters, petty authoritarians, social justice warriors, karens, trigglypuffs, other raging narcisso-histrions, and cancel culture moguls of our modern, magnificently mad 2020 monkey house world. May your reason never outweigh your reeeeeeeees-on.

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4 years ago

With Man's evil sinful ways and the devil's nudge. Darkness covers the land.

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