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The Best of Klaus Schwab

23 Views • 06/26/22
Jess Sosnoski
Jess Sosnoski
200 Subscribers

⁣The Best of Klaus Schwab <br>Trump/patriot-friendly free speech social media &amp; video sites... -

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2 years ago

what is most frustrating about this man is that he seems to think he has perfect understanding of things to such a proficiency that he feels fit to dictate and manipulate the direction of mankind as a whole. This is such a level of arrogance it is hard to comprehend. I would not want to bear the burden of directing mankind, it is an impossible task. We make plans for the future and god laughs. This world is unpredictable. The governments of the world severely mismanaged this covid fiasco, I can understand perhaps it was an intentional "mismanagement" but this will not lead to the results they think. We are suffering the blowback now because many people around the work have used the sin of "covid" as a cover for their own sins, they have used it to multiply their own sinful behavior. The sin begets more sin. To curtail this now, is beyond what Klaus Swab is capable of. I like how he brushes on scientific topics of which he seems to have no deep knowledge as if it is understood with perfection. Its utter crap. This vaxsine has been a shitshow. I don't know what their intentions were but I really don't think its going to work out their benefit based on the trajectory of things. This concept of a global government and some type of central planning is pure fantasy and it will never work.

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