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The Biggest Crime Against Humanity
• 08/15/22
Jess Sosnoski
200 Subscribers
The Biggest Crime Against Humanity <br>Trump/patriot-friendly free speech social media & video sites... -
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2 years ago
Anyone see that Bitchute video? About a demon telling a priest that the vaccine was the first 'Mark' of Consecration to the Devil. The priest asked, "How was it consecration to the devil?" and the demon said that they (Satanists?) did a ceremony in America, where they extracted the blood of living fetuses as the fetuses were being aborted, and then the blood from those living fetuses was diluted and administered in minute quantities into the vaccines. Since the fetuses were living humans being killed, those that took the vaccines physically partook in those abortion events, and are therefore consecrated to Satan.
Weird story, but that's how the video went. It was in Greek, translated into English. The priest took the shots, and felt guilt about it. Demon said it was the first Mark, but not the final Mark.